I have been messing around with a different set up for the prone. I decided this after I realized that my left arm that holds my me and the rear bag gets too tired from holding my weight. I keep my shoulders square and try to keep as relaxed as possible but im putting to much of my weight on the one arm. It gets tired and shaky so my cross hairs shake as well. Im figuring I am geting to low and out of square and so it takes muscle to hold my weight instead of bone structure. So, I am trying to tuck my arms in closer more under my body so that im resting on my bones.I noticed it helps with my cheek weld too.
Anybody have some better advice? Also, how much are you letting your rifle naturally recoil and how much do you push into your stock? If I push a lot, i see more of my heart beat. What about grip? Do you hold tight? I like a lighter grip cause again, I see my heart beat and shaky hands.
Sorry if this is scrambled, shark week is distracting me
Anybody have some better advice? Also, how much are you letting your rifle naturally recoil and how much do you push into your stock? If I push a lot, i see more of my heart beat. What about grip? Do you hold tight? I like a lighter grip cause again, I see my heart beat and shaky hands.
Sorry if this is scrambled, shark week is distracting me