Today I've used the 2 tripods recently arrived, prone, seat and stand up position.
Good items they works great, I agree with the words of Sharon " We chose SLIK for several reasons. We wanted something lightweight, durable and affordable. The SLIK tripod models we use fit all of those requirements."
nothing to say, was a pleasure to deal with PRS, they also give me a Sling Keepers The Sling-Keeper is basically a velcro strap which attaches to your rifle to hold the sling in place for storage to keep stuff from getting tangled up.
Good items they works great, I agree with the words of Sharon " We chose SLIK for several reasons. We wanted something lightweight, durable and affordable. The SLIK tripod models we use fit all of those requirements."
nothing to say, was a pleasure to deal with PRS, they also give me a Sling Keepers The Sling-Keeper is basically a velcro strap which attaches to your rifle to hold the sling in place for storage to keep stuff from getting tangled up.