Night Vision PVS14 and 3x rail-mounted optic?


Dec 2, 2023
Has anyone had success with a PVS14 and 3x rail-mounted optic?
I have a helmet and rail twist mount for my PVS14 but want to put a 3x optic in front of it due to my poor eye sight. I know Prism optics are bad for this but still looking for a solution. The 3x magnifier between the 14 and 1x optic is not ideal in my mind. Thanks!
Had best luck with 3x screw in magnifier on PVS 14 through an Eotech. Everything else became too dim due to multiple panes of glass. That being said, wouldn’t recommend it. Pretty sure I caused some blems on my tube by doing it.
Yes and no. Ran a rig where I ran an RDS and could trade the day magnifier for a PVS-14, or -14 with the dedicated 3X magnifier on the front.


It... worked. Note I had to run the RDS WAY forward for this to all fit.


But better to run the NOD on your head, use laser for close and loud stuff, use passive aiming (just aim like normal and if all is set up, you see a dot floating in space, can shoot like normal).

Cannot suggest it. For something with a bipod etc, save your pennies for a proper clipon and run it in front of the day optic.
Might be best to explain what you’re trying to do with setup. Lots of experience on this site but helps if we know intended purpose. My primary is hunting pigs/varmints in open fields from 25-300m. DBAL D2 works way better than a 3x magnifier for me. Not on 2 way ranges anymore where worried about someone seeing my IR signature.
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