We uncovered another scammer and they are not operating the same but clearly as a network.
In other words, they are getting better at hiding their tracks from us initially as we manually approve accounts and check IP addresses and emails.
What remains the same is a method being used here once they establish an account. The scammer will normally send a Private Message with an offer. This offer may come from more than one person but will be similar.
Dont be so quick to accept a sale until you get details. We have banned and removed people for rule violations only to get messages they have pending transactions with no details. They keep everything on here and don't get the most basic information like a contact number. If you are selling a high dollar item and you don't have details regarding your transaction at your fingertips that is your fault. We are not here to manage your PX buying and selling.
Definitely inform us if you are reached too behind the scenes for a sale possibility, if a new member with a low or no post count sends a message it's probably a scammer. They are hopping IP addresses, signing up through a partner in the States so everything rings true and then the bait and switch happens. These are groups of criminals and they are looking to prey on you. We do our best to defend against it, but if you are too busy thinking you have a quick sale to recognize the warning signs there is nothing we can do.
After the fact it is done, once you are scammed, there is nothing on here that will help you. Not with LE, not the Feds, you lose. Be proactive and not reactive. Get details upfront. Talk to them in order to gauge their knowledge. If the deal is too good to be true, it is.
In other words, they are getting better at hiding their tracks from us initially as we manually approve accounts and check IP addresses and emails.
What remains the same is a method being used here once they establish an account. The scammer will normally send a Private Message with an offer. This offer may come from more than one person but will be similar.
Dont be so quick to accept a sale until you get details. We have banned and removed people for rule violations only to get messages they have pending transactions with no details. They keep everything on here and don't get the most basic information like a contact number. If you are selling a high dollar item and you don't have details regarding your transaction at your fingertips that is your fault. We are not here to manage your PX buying and selling.
Definitely inform us if you are reached too behind the scenes for a sale possibility, if a new member with a low or no post count sends a message it's probably a scammer. They are hopping IP addresses, signing up through a partner in the States so everything rings true and then the bait and switch happens. These are groups of criminals and they are looking to prey on you. We do our best to defend against it, but if you are too busy thinking you have a quick sale to recognize the warning signs there is nothing we can do.
After the fact it is done, once you are scammed, there is nothing on here that will help you. Not with LE, not the Feds, you lose. Be proactive and not reactive. Get details upfront. Talk to them in order to gauge their knowledge. If the deal is too good to be true, it is.
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