Well, it partially depends on what you're trying to practice... But I'll give an example of what I do to practice for precision rifle matches.
First, I don't have a huge back yard, so I got one of those DFAT scope adapters to help focus on close targets (about 10 ft away). I use my phone or my laptop screen with an image of a range on it and zoom in/out until the targets are around the sizes I want (smallest are slightly less than 1MOA). Then I use chairs, sawhorses, stools, whatever else I can find around my house to practice positional shooting and finding stable positions. While I'm always practicing finding the most stable position, I'll usually have a 'focus item' like trigger follow through, breathing, efficient movement, etc. that I'll emphasize that session.
If you have a large enough space in your back yard, you can always staple a piece of paper with appropriately sized targets to a tree or hang it up somewhere. No need for the DFAT unless you're space-constrained.
This is just what I like to do... I am always trying to figure out how to train more effectively/efficiently, so I'm very excited to hear what others have to say as well!
Hope that helps.