Hunting & Fishing Question/advice on buck encounter


Full Member
Feb 24, 2012
new york, USA
This is kind of a lenghty one so bear with me, I just want to make sure I get all of the details:

I am a pretty new hunter and am pretty much learing on my own as I go, I don't really know anybody to show me the ropes. I was in the public woods for bow season today, I did a scent drag of estrous urine into my blind, and hung estrous wicks up in two shooting lanes at 25 yards. At about 10:30 am (went in at 6 am) about 100 yards a way I spot a deer walking through the brush, can't tell what it is at this point. I gave gave a few estrous bleats and a few min later a tending grunt, with nothing. I then did a 1 min rattle, and the deer came charging through the woods right into about 40 yards from me. kept walking at 40-50 yards in front of me, but I couldn't get a shot I was confident with. It made a scrape at the base of tree and rubbed his head on a branch, and slowly walked away. He was withing 15 yards of my wicks and didn't look at either of them, he walked over my scent drag path a couple of times and didn't react at all. When he was almost out of sight, i did two estrous bleats, he came back halfway, then left for good. I did several sequences of bleats, grunts, and rattles but he never came back. I would take his non response to the scent to be the rut hasn't progressed to him reacting to estrous scent yet, and it is still in the dominance phase which why he came crashing in at the rattle...but then why wouldn't he come back? Did the estrous scent possibly scare him off, or is it possible the scent was tainted/un-natural and it scared him off? What is the best route to go from here, should I keep doing the same thing hoping it will work next time, should I make a mock scrape. If I make a mock scrape, what scent to I put on it (estrous or buck), and how long before I hunt do I make the scrape (does it take a couple of days to get the buck comming back, or do I do it the day hunt)? Also, if I did scare it away with the scent, is it gone forever and should I find a new spot, or just try a different tactic the next day. BTW, the buck looked like a 6 pointer, 2 years old about if I had to guess.

Sorry for the lenghty post and bombardment of questions, any help or advice is appreciated.

Re: Question/advice on buck encounter

My buddy hunts near Amherst NY. He said the rut is just starting up there. Down here in PA it is in full swing. I routinely see bucks chasing doe, and bedding with doe. Lots of action in that regards down here. It sound to me like it hasnt started where you are. I would use estrous scents and spray it on any rubs/scrapes you see. Freshen them up often. That will keep the bucks in the area. I can definitely tell you that using estrous scents too early will not only scare bucks away, but also doe. When the rut does start...the best lure is a hot doe. I tend to be heavy on dominant buck scents pre rut. That keeps the does around. When the rut starts, if you find the doe, youll find the bucks.
Re: Question/advice on buck encounter

Dont over do the scents. I would split the advice from rth1800 and Jig Stick. This year has been abnormally tough to see much of the pre rut chase phase. So I have make my own luck a few times calling and rattling. Be careful with calling a lot, most mature deer will get downwind and scent check the sound before coming in and you cant beat his nose. Put your scent bombs out so there is a crosswind between you and them. Hope they catch the scent and come in closer for a look. But first and foremost sit STILL and play the wind right.

Good luck !
Re: Question/advice on buck encounter

Like all these guys said.....

Don't depend on the scent stuff too much. Use it for cover if anything. When a buck gets that close, shoot him. If you're new to it, learn to control that anxiety. Bucks become big bucks by not hangin around long when they smell a lot of pussy and it ain't there. Lol! You'll get it eventually. Just have patience.
Re: Question/advice on buck encounter

As the others have said, use the scents as cover. Play the wind, and just be in the woods. The rut is on here in Tennessee, and the best way to kill one is to be in the woods. Good luck to you.
Re: Question/advice on buck encounter

not really sure what else you want to get out of the "accessories" for luring the deer in.

There are a number of factors that could keep him from messing with your wicks....him being downwind, not full rut, thinking about nov 6 results...who knows.

He did hang out in the area, make a scrape and respond to your bleats and rattle. Short of coming right up to your blind, I'd say your story was a success. The deer responded to your calls.

They don't often do what you want them to do.
Re: Question/advice on buck encounter

That's why call it hunting and not killing.