Question for the amp crowd, or any anyone else who anneals every loading-
We go through great process to minimize overworking brass- removing expanders, bushing dies, honing dies out, collet + body die (my current setup), etc
We minimize overworking brass to prevent hardening and extend case life.
If brass is properly annealed after every firing, does is really matter of it's a bit overworked?
Stated differently, could a guy anneal everytime and use a standard off the shelf Forster or Redding FL sizer without detrimental overworking effects?
Wondering if an AMP would negate the need for minimum-brass-working-hoop-jumping (this could help justify a purchase, but I don't need to justify anything).
I have a 550 but still want minimize unnecessary steps as much as possible.
Please refrain from "amp is BS" type answers- I'd like to hear from folks that anneal every firing only, please
We go through great process to minimize overworking brass- removing expanders, bushing dies, honing dies out, collet + body die (my current setup), etc
We minimize overworking brass to prevent hardening and extend case life.
If brass is properly annealed after every firing, does is really matter of it's a bit overworked?
Stated differently, could a guy anneal everytime and use a standard off the shelf Forster or Redding FL sizer without detrimental overworking effects?
Wondering if an AMP would negate the need for minimum-brass-working-hoop-jumping (this could help justify a purchase, but I don't need to justify anything).
I have a 550 but still want minimize unnecessary steps as much as possible.
Please refrain from "amp is BS" type answers- I'd like to hear from folks that anneal every firing only, please