Question on Ammo Types and Cleaning with my B14R


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Mar 6, 2020
I've got a B14R, I'm relatively new to the precision 22LR game. Does anyone see any difference in switching between ammo types? Lead or copper jacketed?
How many rounds are people seeing before copper starts showing up and needing to be cleaned?

I've got a fair amount of both ammo types. Was figuring I'd shoot matches with one (SK Match, CX, etc.) and practice with the other (Aguila, Federal, etc.) The latter being the copper jacketed.

I know in my Ruger 10/22 or other 22LR rifles, you have to shoot a shitton of ammo to see a difference in accuracy and or true copper fouling. Was curious on other's experience and thoughts in a precision rimfire type scenario.
I wouldn't mix the two...stick with lead bullets. The goal of the rifle is accuracy, and I can't see how adding any copper fouling, no matter how small, will help accuracy.
Stick with lead bullets no matter what. Cci Standard is a good practice ammo.

Clean the chamber area with Boretech rimfire blend after every outing. Let a wet patch or mop soak in the chamber for 10 -15 min. Then a few short strokes with a nylon brush in that same area. Then run dry patches until the residue is gone. You can always know your data is right from a clean chamber. You never truly know what it will do when dirty. I have changed my regiment to this and it is 100% flawless. On site in at a match I know exactly how my rifle is going to react. It is the same thing every time. It does not take 15-30 rounds to warm up a carbon ring to shoot quality again.
I started cleaning every brick or two.

At 5 bricks of sk lrm it was finally fouled enough to show inconsistency. A few tight patches with carbon cleaner and it was bright and shiny in no time.
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