Questions about using rings to mount on an AR


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  • Nov 22, 2010
    Metairie, Louisiana
    I wasn't able to find anything, so thought I'd ask.

    I'm a big fan of the AR platform and have a few. On one of my rigs, I run a 1-8x NX8. This is a short scope, with a relatively short eye relief. For me, I do not require my mount to be cantilevered to put the scope where I need it to be, so I went with some American Rifle Company rings mounted directly to the upper receiver.

    With scopes that I have mounted in one piece mounts, I just swap optics among my rigs as the need arises. Is this a smart thing to do with the rings set up? That is, just loosening the rings from the receiver with the scope still attached and moving the setup to another rifle without repeating the mounting process.

    For that matter, since I'm asking, is it a smart thing to do with a one piece mount?
    You probably will be fine. Yeah, a 1-piece mount might be more repeatable, but quality rings shouldn’t move on you unless you do something wonky.
    What Monkey and CK say above, nothing wrong with moving a scope in rings around to different rifles, with proper torque wrenches you'll return to zero pretty good; however, keep in mind each rifle will have a different zero (unless you get very lucky) so you have to keep track of what offsets or re-zero for each platform.