Quick question for .260 shooters...1000+ yds

I use a 26" in my 260 and it works great out to 1000. 1-8 is a good twist and gives a Stability Factor of 1.7

Barrel length is dependent on what the use of the rifle is; pure target rifle or field gun. If it is an F-class rifle I'd go longer ~30" otherwise 26" is good.

If you are shooting long range find the highest BC you can get your hands on; Berger 140 Hybrids. The 130 VLDs give sub-MOA @1k for me.
26" barrel will get you to 1K and beyond just fine.

2" more barrel will be 35-40 fps. You'll gain more by going to higher BC bullet then adding 2" of barrel.

How much freebore in chamber?
I've a AI AX and a custom T3 both with 8.5 twist 26" long barrels. Both excellent long range performers. The T3 really likes the old 140 SMK's which have a crap BC compared to the other 140 class bullets - I've shot it out to 1300 no problems.