Have a few questions about a project I am working on. Before anyone says to get custom action , I have custom actions but for this I am specifically going old school R700 .
I am doing Mack bros bolt in a trued receiver with a remage style barrel.
Would there be any cons to using a stainless receiver? Would it have more difficulty trueing or issues with work hardening? Would lapping lugs be wierd being a harder material on the receiver than the bolt?
What is the point of bolt face truing and is it even necessary?
If I go remage it shouldn’t matter the thickness of the recoil lug, so is there a size that would be best for my 7saum build if it’s not necessary for specific headspace?
Only truing I plan on doing is what’s necessary to fit aftermarket bolt and squaring face and recoil lug up before barrel install, as well as polishing raceways.
Whole thing is getting cerakoted when complete.
Is there anything else I can/should do to make this a nice build?