Re: Range Estimation
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jaeger308</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Get a piece of paper or cardboard 36” long or so draw a thick line vertically and then draw hash lines every 3.6” I mean exactly. Place the paper out at 100 yards, again exactly, from the face of the paper to the mechanicals (turrets) of your scope. I use a steel 100’ tape to set this up for this.
Your scope mildot centers should overlay the hash marks on full power, it may not. If not adjust your power until they do, then mark your power ring with a marker or scribe a line on it, now you have calibrated your SFP reticle.
Other than that practice, practice, practice ranging on known size targets down to 0.1 mil at first and work into 0.05 mil accuracy. Also when measuring a target place more emphasis on the height of it for your calculation, if a target is quartering even a little it will show you a shorter dimension and you will have a wrong solution.
I have never had much trouble ranging off of the mildots, but I may just try this to see how accurate my scope is.