Range Hard Cases? Condition 1, Apache, or just Pelican?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Sep 29, 2020
East Coast, USA
Need to update and organize my garage sale of range gear from various small cases, a backpack, etc. No plans on flying with it, just range and back. Open to a soft case, though a hard one with wheels seems like the way to go. I've got the basic Costco black and yellow tubs with no wheels and they're nice, but I've broken a number of the lids before so need something decently sturdy.

I know something like the Pelican 1650 would probably work (though I might want the next size up.) Before I invest Pelican level money, what are people thoughts on the more affordable options out there? For example, the Harbor Freight Apache 5800 is less than half the price. I've also seen ads for these Condition 1 cases which seem interesting (but then again, possibly just Facebook/online ad spamming.) Or, any other brands, options? Goal would be mags, range supplies, ammo, belt, PC if I'm feeling LARP-y, eyes/ears, admin, etc.

I've got a Pelican 1750 for one rifle and it's bombproof. I got one of the smaller Pelican Vaults for handguns and it's decent, but I should have gotten something larger. So a small concern is also buying too small again. Would rather have a little extra space than not.
HF Apache work fine for range and back. Honestly though, I’ve gotten away from using heavy hard cases. One of my favorites is the Plano Air Glide. It’s a hard case but really light weight, definitely not air worthy though. Otherwise, I’ve been going to soft cases
Unless you're flying with it, which you said you aren't I'd absolutely get a good drag Matt case or that Savior specialist case. You often find the savior for less than $100 on dvor.com and it's a good case. Also, the galati gear drag mat case is Fantastic and offers really good protection as well as something to lay on when shooting prone. Definitely my 2 favorites and I've got quote a few and several top notch hard cases too.

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No plans on flying with it, just range and back.
Alot (if not all) threads on hard cases seem to end up with guys recommending soft-bags for daily range trips. You already have a pelican, so you should know if you want/need another one, or not.

Quality wise, Apache is fine for a "+1" if you don't need to fly with it. Fine/Good if you just are going to hard-case a soft-bag, which is pretty common for eg regional trips.

Again, for routine trips to the range...not most peoples favorite.
Other hard case options are Boyt, Nanuk, and SKB. I’ve had or have all of them including pelican.

My favorites are the Boyts. I like the metal clasps.
For everything other than long guns, I use an older version of these. Apparently there's QC issues with the newer offerings, so I'm not necessarily recommending this brand. You would need to supply your own foam if you need padding.
For everything other than long guns, I use an older version of these. Apparently there's QC issues with the newer offerings, so I'm not necessarily recommending this brand. You would need to supply your own foam if you need padding.
I've been using this exact set up for years. Bought all 3 for less than $80 IIRC.
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My dragbag fits into a Pelican that I removed most other foam from. Traveling short distances in a car, moving inside the range generally is just the dragbag. Pelican for when transport is back of a truck (and yes, I have a cable and lock permanently in the bed, as quick-run-inside securing), gun will be left outside on range overnight or even for extended periods when weather is awful, etc.

Similar for other guns, have soft cases and bags for various guns, many have hard over-cases.

All cases (for guns, optics, radios, etc) are Pelican, Hardigg (since bought by Pelican so...shrug), or similar USGI makers who don't sell one-offs I got gear in or got as surplus. I am sure the new Pelican consumer grade, the Harbor Freight ones, etc are pretty good but if I want a hard case, I have stepped up to hard case territory so want no questions about it.