Re: Ranging animals hunting...looking for a size guide
I am glad to see that several of you place respect for the animals we pursue as the highest priority. I concur. As a wildlife professional and proud hunter, I see way too much of the opposite viewpoint, that is being "successful" regardless of the cost to the hunter's image, ethics and sportmanship.
To the question of ranging animals with the reticle, I have done it as well. There is just as much homework in this as there is for the police or military sniper in determining what really are the sizes of your targets or other indicators. I tested this several times this fall/winter during a culling operation of damage causing elk. Given the volatility of any given opportunity to get an animal in your scope within a range that the shooter can be accurate from a sitting or taller position (prone shots are rare), the reticle method is faster than the range finder. However, your accuracy will diminish considerably beyond 300 yards. That is true even with an average 26" sternum to withers measurement for elk in my area. To be honest, I used the method more tell me when the animal was out of range (beyond about 475 yards). That is about 1.5 mils, things go to hell after that in the reticle method. My rangefinder and it is a decent one won't reliably go beyond about that with the non-reflective items that I have available off of which to bounce the laser.
I can tell you it was a long road to get to that 26" measurement. I could find no research that included that measurement. One paper I did find measured from the bottom of a front hoof to the sternum or from the hoof to the withers. I just used the difference and checked that with animals that we had taken. I would be very careful about using measurements given in any article. You'd be better off to use actual research in your area, or as close as possible, or start measuring harvested animals. The variation from area to area can be substantial.
I assume that most hunters on this site are serious about their craft and are better than average shots, so I am probably preaching to the choir. However, I have seen far too many "hunters" in the field with only bore sighted weapons and most can't make a shot beyond 100 yards with any degree of certainty. The magnum crowd is a whole other story, some are great while some...not so much.
Good luck,