Fieldcraft Ranging with Niteforce npr1 retical

Re: Ranging with Niteforce npr1 retical

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Derek01</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If it's a second focal plane scope you measure at the highest power. You can also do it at half the max power but your MOA's will be double
Good article, Probably more than you care to know. Also has all the formulas </div></div>

That would be NOT true. Depends where the optic manufacturer chooses to have the range value set.
Take the NXS 8-32x50 or 56 for example.
Re: Ranging with Niteforce npr1 retical

I did not know that for the higher powered NF scopes. I only have the 3 x 15 and the 5.5 x 22. I stand corrected. Thanks
Re: Ranging with Niteforce npr1 retical

Mil Dot Master is your friend.
As to the NPR-1 question.I shoot nearly all My scopes in Mil/Mil config, but I do have 2 NF with the NPR ret, it is what I started with. I have found that I am consistently faster and more accurate with the NF NPR-1 reticles smaller breakdown, than nearly everything else I use.