Rayner's Range Spring Sniper Challenge 2018 Results


Full Member
Jan 26, 2009
Rayners Spring Sniper Challenge 2018

1. (*)Craig Thomas 488.82
2. (S)David Moore 459.99
3. (*)Keith Baker 448.28
4. (F)Chris Michael 445.15
5. (S)Daniel Redman 433.83
6. (*)Aaron Addy 419.44
7. (*)Jeff Raymond 393.67
8. (S)Doug Dearinger 390.53
9. (*)Nathan Livingston 377.67
10. (S)Zach Purvis 369.72
11. (F)Craig Wicham 315.42
12. (S)James Heldman 305.78
13. (S)Dean Zayatz 298.32
14. (*)Bob Breeden 296.04
15. (*)Josey Rayner 285.71
16. (S)Heath Suraba 285.56
17. (S)Dan Jennings 278.33
18. (F)Ed Koegler 273.93
19. (*)Joe Romamo 265.98
20. (F)Jerry Goldfuss 265.96
21. (S)Chase Wagner 242.70
22. (*)Sean Hausman 239.84
23. (*)Mark McCensky 234.15
24. (S)Norm Atwood 190.95
25. (F)Travis Tropp 189.52
26. (*)John Zimmerman 183.65
27. (*)Andrew Brate 174.89
28. (S)Greg Westgate 167.27
29. (*)Walt Sloyer 156.37
30. (S)Travis Hamilton 146.84
31. (S)Shawn Stimmel 132.44
32. (S)Kurt Poeppelman 20.00DNF

(F) Friday (S) Saturday (*) Sunday

Registration is open for the fall sniper challenge, November 9,10,11!!!
These matches are always great to test your ability and equipment. The Rayners Crew always has great hospitality and scenarios. I can’t wait to see what Fall will throw at us.

Congrats to the top 5, I believe there were at least two Curtis Actions in the top 5.