RCBS Chargemaster reprogramming

Re: RCBS Chargemaster

mine headed back to RCBS today
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DDS260</div><div class="ubbcode-body">mine headed back to RCBS today

Why? Been thinking of getting one of these for myself.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

Mine went back to RCBS two weeks ago. It was one month out of warranty. RCBS replaced it, was back on my bench in ten days. Not only did RCBS replace it with no hassle but Midway ( where I purchased it ) said if RCBS wouldn't fix it they would replace it. Needless to say I'll do business with both again! The problem was the decimal point key no longer worked. Full grain loads only.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

I have 2 RCBS chargemasters. This speed up my reloading time. It was taking around 20 to 30 seconds per charge. It is easy to do but I would read the posted link above. I will post a video of how fast the charge throwing is.

I like these Chargemasters a lot. I still have a back up powder. But while technology is here. Why not use it. I run 2 chargemasters at one time. I have take both of the chargmasters and confirmed the weight and both were good. I had great success with them. I sent 1 back for repair, they gave me a brand new one. No questions asked. RCBS stands by this product.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

Right now I'm loading 1000 rounds of 300 WM ammo. I reprogrammed it to throw the charges much faster. It does make a difference. The faster it goes, the more likely you will have over throws. I set it to throw fast with .2 grains under my goal weight, and trickle the rest on the Accu-lab. The trick is to get the tube slowing down and stop pouring powder right under your charge weight. It flows very smooth this way.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

Thanks Guys! I am not that high volume but its kind of a hassel to load some 243, then some 7RM and then something else when you have to change your measure, etc, etc.

My understanding is that with a Chargemaster it is fairly easy to switch between loads and get to the correct weight.

I have almost bought a time or two and then someone posts on all the issues they are having and then people pile on with there complaints.

Dar's post addresses one of the main concerns I have heard but it also sounds like RCBS has really good cs on these units.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

You will be amazed on the performance of the RCBS. I was happy before with it. Now it kicks ass. If you are a casual loader it might not be what you want to do. But If you load a lot of rounds, this makes a huge difference when sitting in front of your reloading bench.

I purchased a while back 2 RCBS chargemasters to speed up the process. I loaded last year around 15000 to 20000 rounds. After a while you start to look at every idea to save on time.

Chad is right about the programming. You do not want it to go until the desire load. You want it to slow down before and trickle the last little bit. This will help you.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

With two balance beam scales, I can go +/- 0.1 grain at the leisurely pace of two per minute. My measure throws most of them inside that tolerance, and one scale IDs the heavy ones and the other culls the light ones.

Can't see how a ChargeMaster doing a throw in 10-12 seconds, followed by manually trickling up to weight, would be any faster. Neither my rifle nor my targets (okay, the rifle is not the greatest) can tell the difference between +/- 0.1 grain and all of them right on.

My times were measured with a stopwatch and were for the total time to do 40 rounds, from 1st throw to last charge in the case.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

I think I understand what the link provided was saying with the default settings, however i'm curious as to whether you will share the settings that you used?

I think i'm going to reprogram mine to see if it'll speed up. I've always wanted it to throw at high speed until 5-6 grains before target, medium up until .7 grain before and trickle the rest.

If i'm reading the instructions right, I just change the default values example;

HSB_A1 (15.68) Grains under target weight to go from full to high speed for low weight (Change 15.68 to 5.5)
HSB_B1 (3.42) Grains under target weight to go from high to slow speed low weight (Change 3.42 to .7)
BSP_C1 (1.08) Grains under target weight to go from slow to final trickle speed low weigh (Change 1.08 to .7)

Is that how I should understand it? And just adjust the settings for medium weight, and heavy weight just the same? I can likely just leave heavy weight alone as I never throw charges that heavy, medium weight is about the only place that I load for.

I'm really interested in your settings. If you are happy with the speed your's throws them, i'm sure i'd be happy just the same.

Re: RCBS Chargemaster

I will post the numbers tonight. I programed one and the other one was similiar but a little different. This is because they didn't throw at the same speeds from the start. Tried to make them about equal.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

I change the low and medium powder settings together and don't mess with the big one. For doing the 300WM, IIRC, I was 8 on the first setting, 2.50 for the middle, and 1.5 or 1.25 for the last. The first setting is the fast speed, second for middle speed, and 3rd is for trickle. For a 308 Win size case, my settings were a little bigger. What's hard is throwing a charge from 8 grains to about 15 grains. For some reason, these weights wig out the machine, and can not get it to throw correctly.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Grump</div><div class="ubbcode-body">With two balance beam scales, I can go +/- 0.1 grain at the leisurely pace of two per minute. My measure throws most of them inside that tolerance, and one scale IDs the heavy ones and the other culls the light ones.

Can't see how a ChargeMaster doing a throw in 10-12 seconds, followed by manually trickling up to weight, would be any faster. Neither my rifle nor my targets (okay, the rifle is not the greatest) can tell the difference between +/- 0.1 grain and all of them right on.

My times were measured with a stopwatch and were for the total time to do 40 rounds, from 1st throw to last charge in the case. </div></div>

You don't manually trickle anything. The machine slows down and "trickles" the last few kernels of powder by itself.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

Tag for later. Thanks for the info folks.

I just got one of these and I was getting between 12 and 24 seconds (with most around 18) to throw 45 grains of Varget. I was not happy with the speed. I'll try the reprogram and report back.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

Here is the video of programming the RCBS chargemaster.

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ALVCfvTBBmA"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ALVCfvTBBmA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>

Here is the steps to reprogram the RCBS.

Step 1
You have to press enter and edit at the same time. This will get you into the programing features. By pressing enter it will take you to the next part of the program.
Step 2
You will see the first set of numbers HSB_A1 (15.68) To change this. You must enter 0 then the new numbers. For example to change this press 0 then to change it to 10 simply press 1000. This will now show up as HSB_A1 (10.00)
Step 3 Press enter and go to the next area to change. This will show up as HSB_B1 (3.42). Press 0,the enter you new number 2.00. Now this will show up as HSB_B1 2.00.
After these steps are completed. You must press Enter button until the chargemaster has went through the programming. If the machine is running to fast for you. You simply go back into the programming mode and readjust the first 2 set of numbers until desired speed is achieved. Hope this explains it better.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

I turned the beep off on mine. It gets annoying as hell when you are doing long loading sessions. I know it's done tricking when the W goes away. I have the cover pivoting on the left side as I have found out that with me moving around the machine it will throw the scales off. I don't close the cover ever, just have it swinging back and forth.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

OK ok ok


I have one and was rather disapointed at how long it was taking to make 500 Rounds hell evan one round.

Was about to go back to the throw and Lyman 3 But If I can make mine do what you are doing than WOW. I will run 2 also.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

You do have to hit ENTER until it goes through the whole programming session. The RCBS is set to serve a lot of different powders. I load mostly if not all stick powders so these settings will work. I would think ball powders might need to slow up a little.

Keep the original numbers so you will have them. All the numbers that was change are shown in the video. Remember if the settings don't work for you, maybe to fast or something. Then just change the setting a little bit and see if this works.

For exampleSB_A1 (15.68) Grains under target weight to go from full to high speed for low weight (Change 15.68 to 5.5)
This one changed to 10

HSB_B1 (3.42) Grains under target weight to go from high to slow speed low weight (Change 3.42 to .7)
This one changed to 2.
BSP_C1 (1.08) Grains under target weight to go from slow to final trickle speed low weigh (Change 1.08 to .7)
Left this one alone.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

I have one of these as well. Best money spent on reloading gear so far in my opinion. Especially loading for the .50 ( 240gr of H869 powder is actually pretty damn fast through this thing )

The unit really shines when throwing the small grain spherical powder and it's rare to see overthrows. It's usually dead on.

The longer cut grains will occasionally go over by .1 - .3 grains depending on how they stack up in the tube while it is trickling. You learn pretty fast about how many grains to tap out of the cup to get it back to weight

I load my rounds one at a time and by the time I have the charge through the funnel, and the tips seated, the next charge is ready to go. The timing works well for how I load, so I can't complain about it
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

Once you get your chargemaster reprogramed. It will keep your dumping powder. Before I was running 2 chargemasters. I would dump the powder in and wait for the next chargemster. After I got 10 to 15 rounds powdered. I would start loading between the wait of the chargemaster to dispense the powder. I would catch up to the powder loads and have to wait again.

Now there is no time to wait. The chargemaster keeps you filling cases.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

Anyone know from experience or rumor about whether RCBS still takes care of the warranty after it's been reprogrammed? I haven't had any issues with mine, it's worked great, but I do still occasionally read complaints.


Edit: Dar, thank you again for posting the video, and answering all our questions!
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

I don't know about the warranty. I have a Dodge pickup that I run a tuner on that voids the warranty. Each time I take it in. I turn it back to stock. Thus I like the truck to run at peek performance. I hope this answers your question.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

I primed tonight 95 cases and time how long it takes to powder the cases. It took 25 minutes and was done. This averages 15.7 seconds a case. This is running 2 chargemasters.

The is way faster than it use to be. You have to stay on top of the cases to fill them now. Before you had some lag time.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: GSSP</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You guys are making me drool over buying one ASAP. </div></div>

Do it, you won't regret it. I certainly don't, and i'm all about getting the absolute greatest bang for the buck. You have to be that way with 2 daughters, a wife, and a tight budget.

Re: RCBS Chargemaster

I just reprogrammed mine, i pretty much used your settings, I went a little tighter on the first one, used 9.0 instead of 10, but identical on the other settings. It's SOOOOO much faster now. It's going to make loading up rounds tomorrow so much faster.

Re: RCBS Chargemaster

There is one more thing a person could do. I did this about 6 months ago. Is to put a McDonalds straw in the metal tube. Clip an 3/8s to 1/2 inch of the straw off and put in the end of the metal tube. I have tried the other straws from BK, Arbys,etc. McDonalds works the best.

This was also in the same article.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

Graf's has 'em for $314.99 or so. Looks like a setup that works. How much is the Prometheus or whatever it's called, and why would THAT one be better?
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

I had mine for almost 1 1/2 years and they replace it. RCBS are good about there products.

I thought this might help a few people out with time. It is a necessary evil time on loading VS trigger time. Hopefully this will help get more shooters shooting.
Re: RCBS Chargemaster

The rcbs chargemaster is very nice. I loaded 100 rounds of .308 last night in about an hour or so.

My only beef with it is the with IMR 4064 the scale is not sensitive enough to detect a +or- 3 to 4 kernals. I notice that for my scale to go up 1/10 of a grain, it takes 3-4 kernals. I still get very accurate loads and velocities, but I am meticulous.

I am getting a promethius II for christmas this year. Brand has mine ready and will ship after the holidays, but I will keep my chargemaster for all my pistol loads.

I would not hesitate on the chargemaster: for the price, it cannot be beaten in my opinion.