Won sap pun a tine dare washer ladle gull culled Goal Deluxe. zoo leave din dissenter offer lodge forced widow mutter hander fodder.
Ones window ladle gull and/or pear rents swear aweigh dare hop penned topaz buy tree beers - ham other beer, ha dotty beer, inner ladle bay be beer.
Sea ingot dough row pin, bay be beer win tinfoil ode buys modern fooder. Dot repairs wondered true Goal Deluxe souse: day eight parch; day satin cheers; sand atlas day fellow slip into tree bids.
Wend Goal Deluxe sander mutter ran fodder god hum, daze awe sum thin whirrs rung. "Sum bodice bin neat tender parch," sad Goal Deluxe, "an day aided awl!"... Handsome bodice bins it ten and doughs cheers!"
Gong hindu turbid rum, Goal Deluxe led otters cream, Sum bodice bin slipping inner bids duthers till dare!"
Herring hearse cream, dot repairs leep tout ha bet innate Goal Deluxe sander pear rents sup.
MARL: Led slipping beers lye.
Who else has one?
Ones window ladle gull and/or pear rents swear aweigh dare hop penned topaz buy tree beers - ham other beer, ha dotty beer, inner ladle bay be beer.
Sea ingot dough row pin, bay be beer win tinfoil ode buys modern fooder. Dot repairs wondered true Goal Deluxe souse: day eight parch; day satin cheers; sand atlas day fellow slip into tree bids.
Wend Goal Deluxe sander mutter ran fodder god hum, daze awe sum thin whirrs rung. "Sum bodice bin neat tender parch," sad Goal Deluxe, "an day aided awl!"... Handsome bodice bins it ten and doughs cheers!"
Gong hindu turbid rum, Goal Deluxe led otters cream, Sum bodice bin slipping inner bids duthers till dare!"
Herring hearse cream, dot repairs leep tout ha bet innate Goal Deluxe sander pear rents sup.
MARL: Led slipping beers lye.
Who else has one?