

Jan 31, 2018
Looking for help finding reamers to rent for 408 cheytac and 375 cheytac. Was set up with 4dreamrr rental and they have lost their 408 reamer set. Looking to rent but will buy if needed. Need chamber reamers and go/no go & field gaugesvad well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Shawnee Tool or buck Steele

Lynn - not too helpful since Google searches yield zero info. Do you have phone numbers or other contact info for the OP?

JT - unless you are fortunate enough to find someone that has their own reamers for those cartridges, and is willing to rent or sell, you are probably looking at starting an order with one of the major US reamer houses (JGS, Manson, or PTG - listed alphabetically). I did a search and found no one in the US has them listed as in stock. You might also e-mail Triebel in Germany as they list both reamers and gauges (gauges only for the 408) in their catalog, and the export to the US - Good luck.
Rent high-quality reamers for
a fraction of the cost of buying

White Rock Tool & Die, 6400 N. Brighton Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64119 (816) 454-0478
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So I feel compelled to ask... Why 408 CT? It seems like an outdated choice at this point. 375 cheytac variants are decent choices but the 408? I can't say I've ever even seen one at a match. It holds a place in my mind right next to a 700 Nitro lol...

The 416 simply fills that niche better and you will get a lot more options and support with it. Not to mention better downrange performance. You are into the realm of exotics no matter what. Might as well pick the one that does well.

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Did you call them?

The 375 CT (CIP) page says not stocked , 6-8 weeks ( The 375 CT with mods to neck OD and/or freebore says, "NOTE: this is a Custom Manufactured Product. Allow 8 to 12 weeks for delivery." See
trust me there in stock along with chertac dies
there web sight is not up to date
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