So I ordered a Outlier Barrel for black friday, $180 after tax and shipping, 1.25 full bull 6.5 Creed 1:7 twist. I got it for my Ruger American Predator to rebarrel cause the factory barrel heats up to fast. far not so good kind of. The factory barrel took some persuasion to get off but that's ok, but the rebarrel is where I could use some advice i guess. I headspaced it and everything fine but after its headspaced and torqued correct there is a Gap between the front of the barrel nut and the end of the barrel where the tenon begins. I contacted Outlier/Arken, same company, and they said the Gap is more cosmetic, which it is, but they also said the Gap does seem a bit to big. They also asked if I headspaced with or without the extractor/ejector installed. I told them I did it both ways and the Gap was about the same only .001 off if any. They have still not answered me back and all Arken/Outlier says is please be patient their Tech department is busy, which could be true. My theory is they chambered it correctly for 6.5 Creed but then cut the barrel and tenon threads for a long action caliber, but I'm just guessin. I guess I'll just wait and see.