I currently have a 22" MTU V22 I picked up used here on RFC. It shoots great and has served me well but, it just doesn't balance as well as I'd like in my MDT chassis. I have all the internal and external weights attached to my chassis and it just barely balances forward of the magwell.
My question is, what would you do? Would you pull the MTU and have a custom (longer & heavier) barrel spun up or pick up a new barreled action from DI or Nedved precision?
If I rebarrel I'm looking at $1175+tax/ship from DI precision for a 25" 1.25" Straight MullerWorks 13 Twist. I have no clue what my old barrel would be worth? Are there better or equally as good options for less $$?
If I buy new from DI Precision or Nedved I'll upgrade to the 360 action and sell my current V22 barreled action. It's $2800+tax/ship for the DI build with the same 25" MullerWorks barrel or $2290+tax/ship with a 24" Bartlein (I assume) 1.2" straight.
Will the 24" 1.2"be enough to balance an MDT ACC elite with a honking Razor G3 on top? I'd love to shed some of the internal/external weights and run a lighter set-up that still balances. It adds ~1.4 lbs and moves it's own center of balance (not the rifle itself) forward 2". The 25" 1.25" straight add yet another pound and another 0.5" further forward.
Is the $510 price difference between DI and Nedved worth it? What am I really gaining other than the choice of a longer/heavier barrel?
22" MTU ~6.0 lbs
24" 1.2" Straight ~7.4 lbs
25" 1.25" Straight ~8.4 lbs
My question is, what would you do? Would you pull the MTU and have a custom (longer & heavier) barrel spun up or pick up a new barreled action from DI or Nedved precision?
If I rebarrel I'm looking at $1175+tax/ship from DI precision for a 25" 1.25" Straight MullerWorks 13 Twist. I have no clue what my old barrel would be worth? Are there better or equally as good options for less $$?
If I buy new from DI Precision or Nedved I'll upgrade to the 360 action and sell my current V22 barreled action. It's $2800+tax/ship for the DI build with the same 25" MullerWorks barrel or $2290+tax/ship with a 24" Bartlein (I assume) 1.2" straight.
Will the 24" 1.2"be enough to balance an MDT ACC elite with a honking Razor G3 on top? I'd love to shed some of the internal/external weights and run a lighter set-up that still balances. It adds ~1.4 lbs and moves it's own center of balance (not the rifle itself) forward 2". The 25" 1.25" straight add yet another pound and another 0.5" further forward.
Is the $510 price difference between DI and Nedved worth it? What am I really gaining other than the choice of a longer/heavier barrel?
22" MTU ~6.0 lbs
24" 1.2" Straight ~7.4 lbs
25" 1.25" Straight ~8.4 lbs