Rebarrelling an AWSM 338 to 1:9.375 twist


Full Member
Jan 26, 2013
My AWSM has 1:11 twist and shoots well with 300 grain scenar.

I wanted to get another barrel for it ( as a spare and then to use when the current one dies)

Is it a good idea to get a match barrel made up in 1:9.375 with the standard AWSM chamber of 91.50 mm (3.602 in) as opposed to the current CIP standard of 93.50 mm (3.681 in)

or am I wasting money and better off getting the standard AWSM barrel (1:11 twist)

Thanks ?
I have a Surgeon PSR I am shooting that has a SS 27 inch 1:9.35 twist barrel. Not sure what the chamber dimensions are, but the COAL is 3.680 and the rifle is very accurate. Really likes 300 SMK's and the Hornady 285.
Roger that. The Surgeon PRS uses a single stack 5 round AI magazine and the COAL is about max for that said magazine. i didn't register the AWSM standard chamber length in your posting. Dain Bramage from blast wave injury and blunt trauma. If the standard barrel you can get for your AWSM is a Border Barrel, buy it. They are lightning bolts.
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