Recap of the URSA NorCal Feb '23 event

ELR researcher

Full Member
Mar 30, 2011
Feb 22 2023 - Recap of the URSA NorCal Feb ‘23 event (by RD, Lynn Dragoman; build info and comments from Oscar)

Well, we had a decent turnout of shooters for our first Ko2M-ranking-submission opportunity...but no one shot well enough, or had the required gear combo, for a submission. We had one shooter pass us up but we got him back. And one shooter had a tire go flat on the way up the mountain but didn’t have the needed tire-change gear for other shooters to get him going (and had way too much gear in his truck to just grab what was needed for the match and leave the rest in the truck unattended).

We went hot at 8.13 AM with the 2147 yard target in a shadow, making misses tough to spot for everyone. When the dust settle Lynn got a win with his new barrel. Runner-up was Pablo, from Billy Goat Machine, shooting the quietest 338 on the line. Congrats to Pablo, he has a long drive to make our matches.

We had time, and the shooters wanted to shoot, so we held a second match. White Mamba (Jayson) took home first place and Mitchell, one of our up and coming stars, took Runner-up shooting a loaner gun with a hair trigger.

A big shout out to Eric and Andre who drove the farthest distance to attend our Match and they both shot well. And a shot out to RickyRacer87 (Doug) for running the camera and recording the event for protest screening (a Ko2M requirement) in case we had one, which we did not.

We also had 3 more shooters qualify for the April 3K match with 5 or more hits in a 10 shot string - Doug, Jayson, and Lynn.

Weather was cold early on with snow on the peaks but it turned out to be a nice day with shooters attempting 3300 yard shots after the completion of the matches.

First match Winner, Lynn, was shooting 400 gr. Cutting Edge Lazers out of his Tamagni-barreled 375 CT with Stiller TAC 408 (TAC DRIVER) action, Bartlein 36” barrel, McMillan LBR stock, March 5-42 Wide Angle scope, and Burris XTR rings on a 70 MOA Pic rail. [Had Lynn not been shooting off a bench, his results would have been our first Ko2M submission - 3 hits in his first 5 shots.]

First match Runner-up, Pablo, was shooting “same”???

Second match Winner, Jayson, declined to have his build data published.

CORRECTION (3/3/2023) Second match Runner-up, Mitchell, was shooting Lynn’s rifle and ammo, see above - Lynn sat that match out.

Doug was shooting 300 gr Berger OTMs out of his Billy Goat Machine-built 33XC with BGM Ovis (Defiance Deviant Tactical) action, 31” Lothar Walther bull barrel, Manners T-5A stock, and Nightforce 7-35x56 ATACR scope on an ERATAC 0-70 MOA base and rings.
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Oh Oscar you’re so quick to correct other shooters but yet so oblivious to your own so called “match”.

The fact of the matter is Lynn didn’t qualify for ko2m only because he was shooting off a bench. Let alone a permanent bench fixated in a national park…..he was using a front and rear adjustable rest and he shot and practiced on the targets the day before the match all by himself….something he regularly does…Especially before your beloved 3k match.

Wouldn’t it be fair to afford and disclose that opportunity to the other shooters competing?

Wait no you don’t do that……you offer a “free” and fair event as a “benefit” to Northern California shooters.

This is a joke of an event that I’m delighted to no longer be a part of. this the same Mahmoud whose overly aggressive (or maybe just incompetent) driving left him stranded on the side of the road with a huge sidewall blowout...while trying to get up the hill to the Feb match? The same Mahmoud that went up to a recent match in Oregon and came in last out of 16 shooters?

"Oh Oscar you’re so quick to correct other shooters but yet so oblivious to your own so called “match”. Possibly you do not realize that sentence makes zero sense.

Since you never made it up the hill, how would you know how Lynn shot? [BTW, we shoot in a National Forest, not a National Park.]

FYI, folks that shoot off of a bench frequently also use adjustable front and/or rear rests, which, like obviously, are not a Ko2M-required bipod. So you are correct, his shooting did not qualify for Ko2M submission because he was not shooting off a bipod on his belly.

Being National Forest, anyone can go up to the URSA venue and shoot the day before a match or earlier. And just FYI, Ko2M has a sight-in for qualified shooters the day before the start of their US event - on a nearby range, not the one used for Ko2M. Lynn sights in on "the big rock", NOT the match targets.

What is absolutely appalling is you badmouthing Lynn who has helped you learn how to shoot, and hunt, and gone way out of his way to help you in so many ways and at so many times. What an ungrateful sack of dung!

" event that I’m delighted to no longer be a part of." Thank you!
Hmm yes this is the same Mahmoud that won your joke of a match the last two times I shot in it. How many times have you come up to shoot or win your match? How many ELR matches have you participated and won in?

I didn’t finish out the Oregon match, in fact I didn’t shoot half of it. But how is this relevant at all?

National park, national Forrest, doesn’t matter, your match is a joke. You are condescending and nobody really takes you seriously anyways.

How would I know Lynn shot the day before the match? because he told me!! You really want me to prove that to you and everyone on here, and it wasn’t at the black rock. It was at the exact same target. And a lot of the shooters participating in your crappy match know this, happened last season too.

I am not bad mouthing Lynn (the same Lynn who claims he helped me with the tire and helped me get down the hill), not bad mouthing him at all, just stating the facts of your poorly run shithole of a match.

Very appreciative and grateful for his help in hunting, he never taught me to shoot, that’s for sure, so let’s be clear about that.

You can take your shit hole excuse of an association along with that sorry ass logo of yours and shove it up your ass.
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Wow I was at the match and just called Lynn to let him know what is going on.
Mahmoud ebalaway was Invited to shoot on Saturday as was everyone but he couldn't get away. So now he is bitching about not shooting?
He drives like an ass and blows out a tire and is too fat and lazy to change it himself so he calls matt teabagger vandiver to change it for him and those 2 morons couldn't get it done even after Lynn lent him a tire iron and jack?
A retired gunsmith 65+ years old changed it.
Is it true Mahmoud ebalaway still hasn't paid for his taxidermy bill?
Did he spend all his money at the hooked house then text pictures to Lynn?
I sure hope Lynn doesn't show them to Mahmoud wife along with the texts.
And since we want the truth didn't Mahmoud ebalaway pull out of the Oregon match after fighting with his spotter over a missed shot?
Glad your never shooting with us ever again.
You and teabagger Matt still owe Lynn a tirei ron and jack you never returned you thief.
Lynn Dragoman Jr. if you are going to be such a chicken hearted coward and create an account since your already banned on here to broadcast disinformation then why don’t you be man enough to use your real name atleast… might give you a little credibility.

1. Never invited to shoot on Saturday, was told if I did , I would get disqualified in the morning.
2. Didn’t call Matt , he came on his own to help a friend he’s never met. If you had an inkling of dignity, you wouldn’t disrespect a veteran like that.
3. The retired gunsmith didn’t change the tire, he happened to have a flat head and 19mm socket head driver that we borrowed.
4. Never received a taxidermy bill, asked for one a couple of times from Lynn and was told it wasn’t ready.
5. I didn’t pull out of the Oregon match over a missed shot, the parallex on my scope went out on one of gun, and I was having ammo issues on the other gun that everyone in the match witnessed.
6. The tire iron and jack were left with Lynn’s gunsmith friend since he was going there later that week.

Im a lot of things, but thief is not one of them.
From all the bullshit I can see this is a match I am not interested in ever shooting again. I did shoot one of his matches down south and didn't do very well as my barrel was pretty much shot out. The course of fire doesn't help either with shooting that many shots in a row, barrels heat up pretty bad.
Mahmoud Ebalaway you chose to air your dirty laundry here because Lynn doesn't post here are you are not man enough to say anything in front of him. Your a chicken hearted joke.
You post lie after lie and anyone with half a brain can see it.
You posted you didn't call mathew Howard vandiver the Oroville teabagger. Your a liar. You really think that people here think you blew out a tire on the side of a dirt road in the national forest not Park and the Oroville cornholio happened upon you?
Man are you stupid.
The retired gunsmith changed the tire because you and cornholio went to town and where too stupid to buy the right size socket.
If he just kept driving you would still be walking home.
Lynn took your bobcat to the taxidermist for you after he skinned it for you because you don't know how.
He turned the ears the tail and the feet which most people don't know anything about.
When the taxidermist called Lynn paid for his mount and paid for your cat as well. Lynn's cat was shot legally by the way and wears a tag.
Lynn has received no money for the cat which indeed makes you a thief.
You pulled out of the Oregon match after you missed the target and they called a skipped shot a hit.
Your spotter was Honorable enough to call it a miss and when they replayed the video the shot was taken away from you.
You blew up at your spotter as your prone to do and stormed off in last place.
I see you are no longer shooting URSA matches and feel that is the best thing you can do after your behavioral issues.

Every shooting fraternity has a bad apple and we just removed one from our group.
The southwest shooters group was formed after the socal URSA shooters decided on a format change where less shots were taken per match.
You should give them a try if barrel expenses are a concern.
Oops I skipped one.
Mahmoud ebalaway was indeed invited to shoot on Saturday and declined the invitation because Lynn was hanging gongs and clearing brush and work scares Mahmoud.
Doug Amanda Jason were also invited to shoot and one doesn't need an invite to shoot on national forest land.
America is a free country Mahmoud.
The tire iron and jack were left with the retired gunsmith because you are too lazy to return the stuff you borrowed.
Your a self entitled crybaby who won't be missed
No invitation was ever given Lynn, you stated that if we shoot before the match we would get disqualified. You didn’t get disqualified did you?

As I recall you won the match, I’m sure shooting the day before had nothing to do with it.

And I wanted to save us the trip of meeting so I can give you the tools that you left that we never used in the first place and I let you know about that the same day.
You are having comprehensive issues with the English language again Mahmoud Ebalaway.
Lynn invited several people to shoot the day prior to the match and you couldn't make it until 3pm.
Lynn informed you and all the other shooters shooters that due to the KO2M ranking qualifications you would no longer be allowed to shoot the morning of the match as you requested.
You are always trying to cheat the system and Lynn as match director told you that would not be allowed.
You no longer shoot URSA matches and I feel sorry for any matches you attend if they still allow you in.
Stop spewing bullshit Lynn Dragoman. I asked if I could foul my barrel not shoot the target, which I did the night before at my local range.

No invitation was given, the other shooters can confirm that. Yes it is a national Forrest and it’s public land, but you were specifically shooting at targets that you yourself can only put up.

Lynn why don’t you meet Mahmoud face to face to figure this out like men do, which I requested twice already instead?
When I called Lynn he was busy helping whitemamba with his 375 cheytac load.
It sounded like you are no longer shooting matches in California as everyone is tired of your bullshit.
I doubt he is willing to waste any time on you
I’ve never been blacklisted and voluntarily told your master I won’t participate in URSA after I won it the last two times I shot in it.

I’ll wait for him to respond to my texts and calls…..even after he’s done with whitemamba. Men don’t hide behind a screen, they figure shit out face to face.
Mahmoud I was at those match dates and you have never won back to back matches ever. You lie more than a schoolgirl.
You won one match at each date and Lynn did the same thing. Nothing was back to back you hot air windbag.
Stop trying to brag your a very poor overall shooter and your scores show that.
Answer me this if you have the balls.
Where you really shooting at a 58X60 gong at 1000 yards?
That's not an accomplishment Mahmoud that's an embarrassing
And your teabagger Oroville cornholio matt vandiver thinks our venue is hard to get to.
Try not lying for once and tell the world wide web that we have a 77 year old 50 cal shooter named Ken who drives a Prius to our location.
Is that a fact or not?
You and cornholio matt are an embarrassment to snipershide you truly are.
Back to back as in back to back months, you’re not very bright are you?

If you were in those two matches then why don’t you be a man and declare your name instead of hiding behind a screen.

I have never seen Ken drive up there in a Prius, yes he has a low clearance vehicle but I don’t think it’s a Prius.

Why do you keep involving other folks and deflecting facts and going off topic?

The fact of the matter is your match is trash, Oscar is disrespectful and it’s not the first time a shooter has brought that up. Plenty of other posts alluding to you and his behavior.

But why won’t you declare who you are. My offer to resolve this face to face still stands.
Wow 20 posts and he finally admits he has never won back to back matches.
Now let's here the truth about why you left Oregon in less than 20 posts.
And while we are posting less lies tell the world wide web how many times you or the Oroville cornholio teabagger have met Oscar.
We await more of your lies.