Reloading dies for 6.5 cm


Aug 11, 2024
Hey everyone, completed my first custom bolt gun build in 6.5 cm a few days ago, and I want to get a set of reloading dies for it. I’ve been doing some searching on the forums and I’m seeing some mixed opinions, so I thought I would make a post. What does everyone use? I was looking at the RCBS match master set, but I read on here that collet resizing dies can add a lot of runout on the neck of the case, and can cause more trouble than they’re worth. What would be the best way to go?
as far as sizing goes, full length vs neck only, collet vs standard, expander ball vs separate expanding mandrel? I’ve seen a lot of this thrown around and as a fairly new reloader not sure what would be best. I want to learn more and maximize the potential of my reloads.
The Lee collet dies can load some very straight ammo.
The last seven years I have been primarily using Redding Type S FL dies but also have a set of type s neck, body die combo aswell as a set of Hornady 6.5 CM.
All are good and wouldn't hesitate to buy or recommend any of those.
this ^^^^

I've tried several different FL sizing dies, some with bushings and the one I like best is Forster's. . . . especially after having them custom hone the dies so that the neck movement is minimized.

as far as sizing goes, full length vs neck only, collet vs standard, expander ball vs separate expanding mandrel? I’ve seen a lot of this thrown around and as a fairly new reloader not sure what would be best. I want to learn more and maximize the potential of my reloads.
I've also got a Lee collet neck sizing die that works well in keeping runout very low. You can get by with neck sizing only, but eventually you'll need to FL size the cases when they no longer chamber easily, like maybe after 3 or 4 firings. After fooling around with various sizing dies, it's the non-bushing FL sizing dies that's been honed to minimize brass movement, then using an expander mandrel that has give me the best and most consistent results. And I've found Cortina's expanding mandrel dies to give me the best results where TIR's tend to be well under .001 consistently. . . if that's important to you.

For most shooters, getting best results on case prep doesn't translate to improvement for what they get on targets due to any number of other factors. For some, it's worth the effort and expense and for other it's simply not so. 🤷‍♂️ :giggle:
as far as sizing goes, full length vs neck only, collet vs standard, expander ball vs separate expanding mandrel? I’ve seen a lot of this thrown around and as a fairly new reloader not sure what would be best. I want to learn more and maximize the potential of my reloads.
*Skip the neck only die!
*Get a FL bushing die, this lets you adjust the neck sizing OD to minimize the amount of brass movement during the initial resizing operation. It can also be used without a mandrel or expander ball step if you want to try that.
*Get the Cortina mandrel die, this allows you to adjust the final neck tension using different sized mandrels. I think this is the best route if you're not turning necks. The Cortina mandrel die also resizes the base of the cartridge slightly to eliminate clickers, but what I like is that it guides the case into the mandrel as straight as possible by holding the base of the case.
* Get the Whidden or Forster seating die, either one is very good. You're going to want the micrometer if you're adjusting seating depth. The other option is to get the Wilson inline seater die and a small arbor press.
*Anneal your brass after every firing. The AMP is the best and most consistent IMO.

If you need to spread out the cost just start with the Whidden FL bushing die set and a .288 bushing. Add other options as the need arises. Whidden also sells expander mandrels in different sizes if you want to skip the mandrel die completely.