Reloading - Load & ladder test templates

Hi all, just thought some of you might find this useful when doing load development.

Hi can you advise if you created this spreadsheet? as the Development sheet is great but I'm having difficulty on the Ladder sheet as I cannot seem to adjust the FPS as when entering data under 2500fps the graph is not registering and starts at 2500? but other than that its the best I have found and will continue to use if thats ok
Hi can you advise if you created this spreadsheet? as the Development sheet is great but I'm having difficulty on the Ladder sheet as I cannot seem to adjust the FPS as when entering data under 2500fps the graph is not registering and starts at 2500? but other than that its the best I have found and will continue to use if thats ok
Hi Steve, yes I created the sheet and have also made a few other improvements since I used the sheet for a few range sessions and identified some required tweeks. Will upload the latest one tonight but you are welcome to send me your email address and I can send it directly to you, might be quicker that way. Glad you like the sheet.
Hi Steve, yes I created the sheet and have also made a few other improvements since I used the sheet for a few range sessions and identified some required tweeks. Will upload the latest one tonight but you are welcome to send me your email address and I can send it directly to you, might be quicker that way. Glad you like the sheet.
[email protected]

I'd also can you link info from one page to the other save entering it twice? but it gives a great deal of very useful info via the graph which I've not really taken much interest in the passed as other sheets failed to produce what you seem to have done.

I shoot out at the Ripley range and R.O. there occaisionally too.