Remington 700 CP Brace Pistol

Are you asking about the brace itself, which I believe is a SBA3 from SB Tactical. It's ok, but I think the SBA 4 is stiffer. Are you asking about a short bolt action handgun in a rifle caliber? Sounds like a XP 100, which is perfect for knocking down iron animals. Does anyone remember IHMSA? Ideal for that sport.
Well then, it seems like a modern XP100. I guess what's new is that we can put a "brace" on a handgun. We couldn't do that with our XP100s and our Dan Wesson 10 inch .357Maximums of the Eighties silhouette game. But that, and handgun hunting, is what such a thing would be for. Unless one needed a covert folding briefcase sniper rifle. Which would be pretty cool. Maybe a Precision Truck Gun.