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Dec 27, 2019
Queensland, Australia
G'day fellas, need some thoughts and help.
*Be gentle please, first time poster long time lurker*

I have recently bought a Remington 700 in 7mm RUM (<40 rnds fired unsure as to the mag installed but pushing 3.8")
Need help identifying the rifle and what has been done to it as the shop cant tell me much (deceased estate they are disposing of)
What is it? I am lead to believe its a Sendero?

Rifle came with brass and comp dies hand full of old loads the original owner had.

700 sendero 7mm.jpg

This is the fist Remington I have owned and my intentions are to build this into a custom.


Can any one provide an idea / information of the mag installed (I think its a Wyatts but the mag dimensions dont make sense)

In general I want to build this into long range varmint / target rifle, preferably using ACIS mags to achieve the 3.850" length for longer loads and eventually rebarreling it to a 28 or 30 nosler.

If this is a Wyatt has any one had success using a Badger M5 DBM Trigger guard with the LA CIP mag for .338LM as a replacement to it?
I under stand the stock would need to be replaced if this was done.
Could a chassis such as the KRG Whiskey 3 be used to replace both stock and allow the use of the AICS Mag?

Any thoughts / ideas and help would be appreciated.

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It appears to be a Sendero, the mag also looks like a Wyatt's, what were the dimensions that didnt seem to make sense? What you want to do with the mag is completely doable since you are willing to swap the stock, you would just need it inleted for the badger. I also like your caliber choices, I built a 30 nosler and it is a tack driver, heavy as hell but I have packed it on several successful mule deer hunts. If you go 30 nosler here is a thread o a different site with some good info https://www.longrangeonly.com/forum/threads/lro-30-nosler-build-the-executive-order.3070/

good luck
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It appears to be a Sendero, the mag also looks like a Wyatt's, what were the dimensions that didnt seem to make sense? What you want to do with the mag is completely doable since you are willing to swap the stock, you would just need it inleted for the badger. I also like your caliber choices, I built a 30 nosler and it is a tack driver, heavy as hell but I have packed it on several successful mule deer hunts. If you go 30 nosler here is a thread o a different site with some good info https://www.longrangeonly.com/forum/threads/lro-30-nosler-build-the-executive-order.3070/

good luck
G'day eklarsen, thanks for link and information.
I am awaiting for the permit to come through to collect the rifle, the store measured up the magazine and total length from rear to front was 3.9" which to me would indicate a cartridge COL of 3.85" but the wyatt even in .338LM is 3.79"... I'll confirm when i receive the the rifle but it just seemed odd.

Because the Wyatt has been installed the mods to the receiver and bolt stop should hinder the Badger / AICS install?
Finding stocks here is pretty tricky (I know of a KRG Whiskey 3 inletted for the the 700LA) otherwise I have a laminate timber block (enough for 5 stocks) coming from Finland for another rifle so I might use some of that to rough it out a blank, get one made and then composite reinforce it.

They cartridge choice is big 7mm RUM is like hens teeth, the 30 Nosler has some good specs there and I can get brass fairly easily through Bertrams here in Aus. Ideally I would love a switch barrel with a 28Nosler and a 30Nosler but one can dream.
Thanks for the link the information just from the quick look through is incredible... There are so many forums that could easily be missed.
I imagine the 30Nosler would be more than adequate on the Mule deer, what weight is your set up?

Thanks again

The wiskey 3 comes from the factory ready for 3.85 CIP mags. Great chassis. For a switch barrel, can you get remage barrels?
Like the look of the KRG and functionality... Like most things they are super scarce currently.

I didn't realise that there was a company that did a barrel nut for the R700. I have seen it on the savage and well my Blaser with their system.
Will have a look into it, thank you Jscb1b!
Like the look of the KRG and functionality... Like most things they are super scarce currently.

I didn't realise that there was a company that did a barrel nut for the R700. I have seen it on the savage and well my Blaser with their system.
Will have a look into it, thank you Jscb1b!
Google “Remage”
Remington-savage, it’s the common naming convention for the barrel nut set up, rem-age, how-age, rug-age etc
Lots of em.
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I can tell you without any doubt, with complete certainty, that rifle is a complete piece of shit. I would be more than happy to rid you of that sorry attempt of firearm superiority at the exorbitant and generous offer of $200 AMERICAN.