Re: Remington 700 SPS AAC or is the 5r worth the extra
I struggled with this myself. I asked the very same question about 8 months ago and got no responses, so I continued looking for reviews.
The 1-12 twist SPS tactical has a very good rep for shooting well, I had not seen as many glowing reports on the AAC-SD version, although I haven't seen much of them performing poorly, just nothing special. There was no review done, Lonewolf hadn't completed his review yet.
The 5R, on the other hand, seems to get almost all positive reviews. I'm sure they have put out a turd or two there also, but generally speaking, they seem to shoot very well.
I also took into consideration that the 5R was 1000, an AAC-SD about 610 from buds. Add 230 bucks for a new B&C stock and your talking 840. I liked the stainless steel aspect of the 5R, and being a limited run item, I hoped they got a bit more attention then an SPS.
I happen to like a 24" barrel length for a .308, the HS stock is a very good stock, though I am upgrading. My 5R shoots very, very well.
It is also much easier to clean, not as nice as my Lothar Walther barrel on my Savage, but much better than my other factory tubes.