Remington 700 TriggerTech Issues


Sep 29, 2019
Good evening guys, I seen another thread similar to what I have going on but I didn't want to hijack it. First, some background, factory 700 action with the action trued and bolt lugs are lapped, last weekend I shot my first PRS style match and the second to last stage my Timney Calvin Elite, went off when I released the trigger, called them and yep thats a know issue, will replace with HIT trigger and should have it within a week or so.

In the mean time I ordered a Trigger Tech Special from Midway, just to try something different. Trigger installed easy and when I slam the bolt forward with any downward pressure it would hop the sear and the firing pin would ride the bolt down (couldn't get it to set off a primed case)... called TT and talked to Ed (who wasn't all that helpful), he stated all triggers are measured before they left the factory but he'd swap it out if I wanted, I opted to return it to Midway and just order a second one, same deal.

Since the cocking piece is the only part of the bolt I opted to order a PTG cocking piece and installed it tonight, the issue is definitely still there with little to no improvement.

Here's where my question differs from all else that iv read, can I file down on the cocking piece? Seems to me that if I hold up on the bolt while closing it won't happen. Is it too much sear engagement? What's the average sear engagement in thousandths?

Sorry if this seems redundant but I really like the feel over the Calvin elite and would like to figure out a way to make it work.
It’s a known issue with a tt in a rem 700 (or some clones) that if you slam it forward unnecessarily hard it will ride over top. It’s been there since their first ones.
It’s only ever been an issue with the rifle in my lap, never shooting it.
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