I inherited one from my grandfather a while back and was recently debating on building a .22 trainer. I then decided that I could just update this .22 a little and use it. I was either thinking getting it drilled and tapped for some target peep sights such as these.
Finding a base that will fit it and throwing some optics on it. I will be shooting mostly at 100 yards, and probably not hunting with it. I may stretch it out to 200 and 300 for fun but not expecting much at all from it past 200. If anyone has one and wants to post an accuracy review or anything of that sort, that would be great.
I may either modify the current stock to look more A5-ish like this guy did http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2308036&page=1
unless anyone knows where I can find some accessories for this little beauty.
This is what it looks like now http://www.gunslot.com/pictures/22-remington-scoremaster-511
Finding a base that will fit it and throwing some optics on it. I will be shooting mostly at 100 yards, and probably not hunting with it. I may stretch it out to 200 and 300 for fun but not expecting much at all from it past 200. If anyone has one and wants to post an accuracy review or anything of that sort, that would be great.
I may either modify the current stock to look more A5-ish like this guy did http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2308036&page=1
unless anyone knows where I can find some accessories for this little beauty.
This is what it looks like now http://www.gunslot.com/pictures/22-remington-scoremaster-511