Was over a Dicks the other day and they had 1 of these on the shelf for about 275.00. It was in some green plastic stock and had a heavy type barrel on it and was threaded with a cap. My son had a 597 that i had bought him several years back that had a laminate thumbhole stock but i had never got behind it to shoot it and he has sold it. So i lost my chance to take it to the club and run it some. So i did some research on these and their seems to be not much out their for it. Found a couple after market stocks and Volquartsen makes a couple drop in pieces for the trigger. Just curious if these things are duds as if it does not shoot well it seems you would be forced to sell it as i found no after market barrels for it. Done mucho on the 10/22s but thought about something different for a change and not break the piggy bank. Do these thing feed well? Hope to hear some feed back on who has them or had them and see what the verdict is on these.