Why are some of you so worried about repealing the 2nd, when they can not even control Chicago, Boston, or NOLA? If you don't think it will be worse than that, you are wrong. Plus in those up standing citys those who voted to take away their rights are not being targeted. You think that will remain the same all over this country after kick off. This is all smoke an mirrors to keep the public eye off the real worry, the coming stock market crash. Would they like to get the guns before the crash, bet your ass. Will they get them No. Are they afraid of pay back for trashing this country, yes they are!
Question, you have to ask your self, why are they so afraid of a arm population? It's not about lives when they willingly send young men to die in trumped up wars just to make money. The GWOT is about money an money only, but they package it so nice the none thinking short attention span person looks up just long enough, to catch a sound bite or some click bait then goes back to their phone.
It's not about lives, it's about total control. Lets just say they do get every last one of them, you don't think there are those in this country that don't know how to effect meaningful change/payback w/o a gun?