Replacement stock/chassis for CZ 452 American 17hmr


Old Salt
Full Member
Apr 10, 2018
I've started shootin my 17hmr again and finding the classis hunter type stock to be kinda horrible to use after using more "precision" oriented stocks, I also want to try and ARCA rail on the rifle and don't want to bubba the nice walnut.

From the research I've done it seems like the only aftermarket option for the 17hmr/22mag is the Boyds stock but they currently aren't able to ship to New Zealand where I live.
Does anyone know of any other options?

I've found someone locally selling a thumbhole CZ 455 stock that I'm wonder if it could work, I know the inlet for the CZ 455 and 452 22lr versions are completely different and the 452 17hmr inlet is different than the 22lr inlet, does anyone know if the 455 stock could be made to fit my 17hmr?
Bumping my own thread.

Been looking into this again and it seems that Boyd's are really the only place offering inlets for the CZ452, I guess the huge variations between models of the 452 and it being an older model means it's not worth the effort for other manufacturers.