Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th


Full Member
May 9, 2002
Watkins Glen, NY
We had 11 guns today in oppressive heat. Summer has arrived, eh?

Two relays...with each firing a 20 rounds only to keep the rifles from getting too hot. So we fired four seperate relays to complete the 40 rounds for the match. I think that was the way to go for our club match with these temperatures and humidty.

<span style="font-weight: bold">F-Open </span>

1. STP 192-12V (6BRX)

2. JDA Sr. 191-15V (6BRX)

3. Deadeye 191-12V (6BRX)

4. Tim S. 182-16V (260Rem)

<span style="font-weight: bold">F-T/R </span>

1. Curt 188-12V (308W)

2. Philipp 188-10V (308W)

3. Kevin M. 182-8V (308W)

4. Tom 178-9V (223Rem)

5. Jeff W. 176-7V (223Rem)

6. Howard 173-4V (223Rem)

7. Sled 168-5V (308W)

Again, <span style="color: #FF0000">it was hot today </span> and whether or not that had anything to do with the scores I can`t say, maybe any follow-up comments may provide a clue.



Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

Weather forecast for Odessa today says 88, tomorrow 90, rest of the week cooler, but rain all day thru Saturday. You guys got the best of it.

Congrats to all who competed.

Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

My score sucked! But I did get to shoot a full auto!!
Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

Once again a great time, thanks Scott for the match. The social aspect is as much fun as the trigger time. The 200 yard reduced targets take out some conditions, like wind and mirage from the long range matches, but it allows you to really see what you and your rifle can do. After three Odessa shoots now, I calculate my sub MOA ability to be 73% of my shots, my rifle however can shoot 100%. Looks like I need to keep coming back to work on that.

Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th


I appreciate your serves to qualify what we are trying to do...beyond introducing the new shooter to the F-Class format.

I think that Philipp, Tim, and Sled would agree. No?

Well done!

Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

Scott, Thanks again for a great match! No doubt, this is proving to be a real test!

Greg - there are two possible explanations for my score today. Either you were my good luck charm last time, or my spotter today was NOT a good luck charm. Just kidding. Since I knew today had to be a quick turn around for me, it was a good day to let her come out and see what it's all about. I'm starting to get her interested in shooting, but I don't think this will be it. Pistols first, skeet sort of along with that, and then we'll see if she's got any interest in rifles.

I really don't know what part of my shooting fell apart today, but it certainly did fall apart. I got out with the 308 for some practice Tues night of this past week and did pretty well on the dot drill target. Minimal bipod hop, good hits, it all felt right. My last target today looked literally like it was shot with a shotgun. Yet nothing felt bad. There were only 2 times where I pulled the trigger and knew it was a bad shot.

This leads to another problem for me. I've finally got primers. I can make up some hand loads for testing. But.... if I'm shooting this poorly, how will I ever identify good loads vs bad loads? In theory, I guess the good loads should still be better for me than bad loads - but when I'm this inconsitant I have doubts about that. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I know the ammo I'm using now is cheap, and hand loads could make a difference, but I also know that if I screw it up I could make things worse.

I'm thinking of shooting the next match with the scope at lower power. Seeing the holes in the paper makes it harder to focus on the current shot. Use the spotter scope to get zeroed on the sighter, then shoot 5 before looking thru the spotter again. I didn't try to correct for the bad shots with the scope or holds, as I wasn't getting a group off center, but thinging "wtf happened?" after every shot just doesn't help things.

But, I shall practice and be back!
Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

Regarding the social aspect - I totally agree. It's as enjoyable being there as shooting. Today started out with the place we normally go for breakfast not having a cook ready, and failing to tell us that for a while. Hence, we got there later than I expected. I had to run afterwards. We had a quick stop for lunch on the way home, and I managed to get my gear out of the truck, get my work gear in the truck, shower and get back on the road in about 20 minutes. Pulled into the hotel about 9:45. Somewhere about 9 I was beginning to question the wisdom of shooting this morning. But it was worth it!

I expect to not be in such a rush next time.
Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th


I find myself doing the same as you, things go better in 'identical' practice than in matches. This is a very common phenomenon. Identical isn't identical. Matches have unique distractions, and can also have pressures, but those are really a failure of our own making, and we can fix that.

Better hearing protection (plugs as well as muffs), can isolate you from those distractions better. Otherwise, try to identify what's different between practice and match shooting and make the practice as much like match shooting as possible. By using that improved hearing protection at the match, we make the match experience somewhat more like the practice; so there a two-way improvement aspect possible here.

The psychological stress aspect is entirely ours to resolve. It's simply a matter of choices. We choose to be excited, or not.

The shooter excellence factor is at work here. We need to exercise the same degree of performance acceptance in our practice as in our match shooting. If it's not acceptable in a match, it shouldn't be acceptable in a practice. Shoot your practice like a match, and your match like a practice. If that's not what's happening, you're doing it wrong.

A miss is nothing more than history, just the same as a hit. The only shot in a match which has any relevance is the current one. The preceding ones are immutable; they are what they are and no amount of anguish can help that. The shot after this one is still in the future, and exists entirely as an (overly?) anticipated fiction.

But you <span style="font-style: italic">can</span> do something about the current one, and only the current one. So..., each shot becomes an entire match, unique and completely isolated from any other, past or future. Whatever it turns out to be, it is what it is, and its only potential to affect the rest of your game is the potential you grant it. But that's you, and not the shot. Resist the distraction, the current shot is the only shot, you do your best and when the smoke dissipates, you go on to the next shot, the next match stage, the next practice.

You can only realize your best when you learn to accept the outcome, whatever it is, and isolate your concentration to only the current shot.

There is no such thing as a good luck charm. Everything that's important takes place <span style="font-style: italic">inside</span> your head.

Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

There was certainly some pent up frustration in my post last night. Posting after a 6 hour drive should probably fall under the same category as posting after more than one beer....

I don't have aspirations of being a match shooter. So there is no "match" pressure - it's just practice in a different form at a different location. And since my local range seems to always be busy, I've always got shooters firing randomly around me when I'm shooting.

My goal for each match is to either learn something new, or put something newly learned to use such that I see some improvement. That improvement may be on the target, or could be something like reduced bipod hop that will eventually lead to improvement on the target. Yesterday's frustration was that I showed the opposite of improvement, and didn't learn anything about what was going wrong while doing it. I'm OK with the idea of taking a step back in results on target to build a better foundation to move forward on. But that wasn't the case.

Unfortunately, my shooting is at a level where I'm happy when I can identify that a shot was bad before checking the target. Not that I always know what was bad. Just having the feeling that something was wrong seems to be my first step. To only have that feeling on 2 shots yesterday, and shoot the targets I did, complicates my problems. The first step in improving is finding the problems. I was unable to do that yesterday.

There's a fine line between constructive practice and burning up ammo. Yesterday felt more like burning up ammo. Back to the 22 for more practice! Even if it is burning up ammo, it's a bit more guilt free than 308.
Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th


On a day when we all were sweating like immigrants trying to read, don`t read so much in a "bad" performance. Did you notice that no one came close to a 200 score?

Per usual, we have only a few Open Class guns at the matches. The T/R class is very well represented...with a majority shooting the venerable 308W. Most use handloads, and precious few shoot factory. The only competitor that has showed marked improvement with factory ammo is Kasumi... with a custom built rifle. Granted, a handload tailored to a specific rifle will tend to post better scores. But it still falls to fundamentals when behind the trigger in F-T/R class...all aspects of trigger squeeze and proper follow apply, in spades.

Are handloads the answer for your rifle? Dunno... Get a few more matches behind you before you become too negative.

If your spotter can`t make the next match, you and I will pair up and I`ll spot <span style="font-style: italic">and coach </span> for you.

Thanks for attending and shooting with us.

Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

Hehe, I sweat like that when the temp breaks 68.

If I were willing to fork over the cash for match grade ammo, I'd be less suspect of my ammo performance. You do make a good point about reading too much into it. Another range trip or two for practice, and I'll see if this is a trend.

I am pretty sure that my spotter won't make the next one. It's a long day for something you're not into. It's better when I can keep the sessions short, before it starts feeling like a task for her. So, I'll certainly take you up on your offer.
Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JDA Sr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i can spot for you if scott is shooting or busy
and i'm sure most any of the other guys would too</div></div>

Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

Ditto. Personally, I think it would pay to get coaching from a variety of the shooters; you're bound to pick more up with more frames of reference in play.
Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

I am willing to take coaching from anyone willing to help. In my experience, everyone will see different things that I can improve on.

I'm headed for home tomorrow. Back to dry fire practice and 22 practice till I can squeeze in another range trip. It's time to start moving forward again.
Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JDA Sr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm off to West Virginia in the morning for a couple of 1000 yd matches
expect to be back home on the 31st</div></div>

Give em hell!!!
Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

PLZ be advised that I just responded in the affirmative to a request from LE to use the range for official outdoor H/G quals Sept 28. 29, and 30. So any private activities should be scheduled to exclude those dates (they are weekdays).

Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Greg Langelius *</div><div class="ubbcode-body">PLZ be advised that I just responded in the affirmative to a request from LE to use the range for official outdoor H/G quals Sept 28. 29, and 30. So any private activities should be scheduled to exclude those dates (they are weekdays).


Greg, would that be IPD?
Re: Results- Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 16th


No, Schuyler Sheriff's...

Just a thought, they might respond to a 'Pearl Harbor' lunchtime demo/famfire....

As Club Pres, I plan to be there to offer my tacit support and whatever assistance they may discover they might need. Goes with the job...

'Unobtrusive' being the keyword...

It's not like a got a business to run or anything like that. If you can keep your own counsel, being retired has its positive side...


Driving in Boston is kinda like trying to eat your sandwich in the middle of a cat stampede. On foot...; BIG (hungry!!! STARVING !!!) cats...