Re: Rethinking Leg Position When Prone
Strong side leg-up works for NRA hi-power prone, when using a sling, shooting jacket, and irons.
I have also seen it used to good effect by people with a large midsection who cannot get flat behind the rifle any other way, and by shooters unable to straighten their knees or otherwise rotate their feet to place the ankles on the ground.
Otherwise, when behind a bi-pod, especially when shooting rapid-fire strings, recoil is best managed with the strong side shoulder, thigh, and calf in line with the bore. Useful variations include splaying the legs wide but keeping the torso centered behind the butt of the rifle.
Consistency of position, and loading the bi-pod, is achieved by correct hip position and by indexing at the waist, not by muscling the rifle with the shoulder and/or arms to torque it into position on target.
To find your correct prone NPA, move your hips and not your shoulders.