I believe that while the UTM-X is a superior unit to the RH25V2, it's not worth the risk IMO. Technology has come a long way, and so have the Chinese when it comes to copying BAE's work and their 640 sensor they are putting in all these new units. I think that you should look at thermal optics from a long-term standpoint. InfiRay has excellent warranty service with a 5-year commitment from them. So you're really set for the next 5 years no matter what happens with it. I understand that you could go with a UTM-X and may not have to send it in at all, but that is highly dependent on several factors... including how much it's been used, and if it's been sent in for any warranty work while it was still covered. A 10-year-old Oasys with a 5-year-old BAE core with something like 20 hours or so on it, vs a brand new RH25V2 would be a tough call to make. But there is a reason why guys are letting their UTM's go for that price, and that's because it is a very risky unit to field after the warranty is no longer valid. You could buy it for 5k, use it twice and then be forced to drop another 5k in it to have her rebuilt, plus an unreasonably long wait time until it gets back to you (most likely). By that time, you could've picked up a POT Vudoo-S or an Andres TigIR here for about the same money. At the end of the day, it really depends on what you're comfortable with
IF the worst-case scenario were to unfold. To me, I think that peace of mind is the most important factor when it comes to investing in this hobby. Buy once, cry once... or buy nice, buy twice. If you really want the best of both worlds, I'd wait just a little while longer for the N-Vision clip-on to release. I really have high hopes that unit is going to be the new gold standard going forward for us normal boys. But if you have to have something right now, i'd go for the RH25V2, it's definitely not a bad unit whatsoever. If you want a real man's opinion, get in touch with
@TheHorta, for he really is the man when it comes to this type of debate.