Rifle Scopes right handed, left eye dominant


Full Member
Jul 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
Long time reader, first time poster.

Does anyone have any suggestions for someone who is right handed and left eye dominant? Recently have been introduced to precision shooting and I'm having a rifle built up by UGSW topped with a Nightforce 5.5-22x56. I have found difficulty looking through an optic with my right eye. Doesn't seem natural. I'd love to hear what anyone with the same problem has to say.

Re: right handed, left eye dominant

Close your left eye
I am the same way. Just takes some getting used to if you aren't used to using higher power optics.
Re: right handed, left eye dominant

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Stephen Allen</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Long time reader, first time poster.

Does anyone have any suggestions for someone who is right handed and left eye dominant? Recently have been introduced to precision shooting and I'm having a rifle built up by UGSW topped with a Nightforce 5.5-22x56. I have found difficulty looking through an optic with my right eye. Doesn't seem natural. I'd love to hear what anyone with the same problem has to say.

Thanks </div></div>

It's actually quite common to be cross dominant. Close your eye or use a patch as part of training. Gradually introduce your left eye at lower magnification over time.
Re: right handed, left eye dominant

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mavrick10_2000</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It's actually quite common to be cross dominant. Close your eye or use a patch as part of training. Gradually introduce your left eye at lower magnification over time. </div></div>

+1 on this very sound advice! I have several shooting buddies and people I have trained with over the years who have this same issue. You will ALWAYS be cross dominant, BUT, if you work with it, over time you'll hardly notice it and it won't interfere with your ability to enjoy and be a highly competitve participant in precision shooting.

Also...Welcome to the Hide!
Re: right handed, left eye dominant

All the above. I'm right handed, left eye dominant. When shooting open (iron) sights I'm ok with keeping both eyes open, it just takes a bit of concentration to get the sight picture right. On those days when it's not 'working' I use the brim of my hat to cover my left's vision just enough to get a clear sight picture but still keeping both eyes open.

On a scope, what I've found useful, is when practicing your dry firing, really focus on the cross hairs, over time, you will naturally focus through your right eye when behind an optic. But, on those days when you don't, have the flip-cap of your scope cover open in such a way that it obscures your left eye when directly behind the scope.

Have fun!
Re: right handed, left eye dominant

I am same way - right handed and left eye dominant. I suffered for years shooting right handed rifles until I got the opportunity to shoot a lefty. After that it felt so normal I never looked back and started buying left handed tactical rifles to include one from Mike at Underground Skunkworks. I have a lefty Perseus. You can work on ways to make yourself shoot right handed as I did all my life but it now feels so much more comfortable as a full fledged lefty shooter.
Re: right handed, left eye dominant

This question comes up occasionally. The previous consensus seemed to be that you should learn to shoot both left and right handed to be competitive, so training your right eye is a good thing and will solve your particular problem. Rob01 is a very successful shooter, so I would listen carefully to his advice since he's in the same boat as you are.
Re: right handed, left eye dominant

i'm a lefty with a rifle and lots of other stuff, but when i was a kid they forced us to write with our right hands. i am more comfortable with a pistol in my right hand, either use both eyes open or the dominant eye
Re: right handed, left eye dominant

I feel your pain. I'm left handed and right eye dominant. I ended up making the change to shoot right handed quite a long time ago and I'm a better shooter because of it. It feels completely natural, unlike when I tried playing golf for a few years. I golfed right handed but I had to putt left handed.

Needless to say, I haven't played golf in about eight years now....
Re: right handed, left eye dominant

I'm also right handed and left eye dominant. I shoot auto-loading rifles and all shotguns left handed but I shoot pistols and bolt rifles right handed. The only reason I shoot bolt guns righty is because lefty bolt guns are harder to find. I just had to practice and train my right eye. This probably sounds stupid but I would watch TV with my left eye closed just to get used to using my right eye more.
Re: right handed, left eye dominant

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rancid Coolaid</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Or learn to shoot left-handed.</div></div> That is the proper solution. It is much easier to learn the mechanics of shooting with the weak side of your body than it is to try to train your eyes.
Re: right handed, left eye dominant

I'm also left eye, right hand. My right eye is poor enough that shooting right hand isn't a viable option. I've shot left handed as long as I can remember. Just feels 'natural'...
Re: right handed, left eye dominant

Shoot using whichever eye feels more natural and comfortable.

I am ambidextrous and left eye dominate. I shot bolt action rifle left handed and AR type rifle right handed. Shoot all pistols left handed but can shoot them right handed too and nearly as well with a little practice.

Also you might want to shot with whichever eye has the best vision. With my vision correct with glasses my right eye can not see as well as left eye.