We had a match on the 19th was all set with my Vudoo I thought!
started match and was hitting low could not figure out why under pressure/time I struggled through the match!
Couldn't hardly sleep that night it was bugging the hell out of me the Vudoo shoots lights out to 300yrds"
Up early and at the range yep shooting low crono ammo slower than I had in my Kestrel what the heck? same ammo NOT different lot #
reloaded kestrel with proper mv back on track !
Ya Rookie mistake.
started match and was hitting low could not figure out why under pressure/time I struggled through the match!
Couldn't hardly sleep that night it was bugging the hell out of me the Vudoo shoots lights out to 300yrds"
Up early and at the range yep shooting low crono ammo slower than I had in my Kestrel what the heck? same ammo NOT different lot #
reloaded kestrel with proper mv back on track !
Ya Rookie mistake.