Rimfire specific match checklist

Mr. Wolf

Full Member
Feb 27, 2013
Thank you to the members of SH.
I've learned so much from this forum and from Lowlight and Marc that I wanted to share what small bit of knowledge I can.

I did a cursory search in the forums and could not find a rimfire specific checklist or a checklist broken down in sections that included pre-match, pre-stage, during stage, and after finishing a stage. There was a competition focused checklist in another thread but it was not rimfire focused: https://www.snipershide.com/shooting/threads/stage-checklist-shot-checklist.7020301/

I've been shooting NRL22X and PRS22 style matches for the past 3 years and finally broke through with a few wins recently.
Although I am still working on consistency, building stability in positional stages, and finding the right balance between speed and precisions, I am now in the process of helping my children learn how to be safe, have fun, and improve as riflemen in this discipline. To that purpose, I developed this checklist as an instructional aide.

I hope that you find this helpful. If you have any additional suggestions, please share for the betterment of the community and instruction for my children and one day, hopefully, my grandchildren. I welcome your comments and feedback.

Thank you and happy shooting.

Rimfire Match Checklist (updated Feb 23, 2024)

Pre-Range Checklist

1. Clean chamber with Boretech C-4 for 30 mins, 10 turns, push wet patch through, followed by a dry patch ***DO NOT fully clean the barrel down to bare metal***
2. While chamber is soaking, clean crown with Boretech C-4 and clean/lube bolt
3. Torque scope rings to 18 in-lbs, ring base to 25 in-lbs, action screws to 35 in-lbs
4. Check barrel tuner setting to 1 ½ turns or 24+12 on the ATS tuner
5. Check that the muzzle thread protector is on tight
6. Check your gear – range bag, ear pro, eye pro, magazines, bags, bipod, data book, enough ammo + 20%
7. For maximal accuracy, DO NOT use suppressor
8. Transport rifle in hardcase

Pre-Stage Checklist
1. Arrive at least 30 minutes early, acclimate the rifle to temperature at least 30 minutes before confirming zero
2. Help with set up, "volunteer" to get distances if you have a range finder
3. When checking zero, re-season barrel with 10-12 shots of your ammo of choice (me: the greasy SK or Lapua ammo only)
4. Use lot tested ammo if available (me: Center X for matches, SK Rifle Match for practice)
5. Dress for the weather, but if wearing a jacket, unzip and shoulder rifle on shirt
6. Load magazine and back up magazine and keep them in coat jacket
7. Write down stage dope on the turrets
8. *** Dial turret to the first shot elevation *** vs. *** Know your hold overs ***
9. Open scope caps
10. Deploy or fold bipod legs as appropriate for stage
11. Scope down to 10-12x for most stages, 16-18x for ARA target stage
12. Dial estimated parallax
13. DO NOT touch the props, but hold the rifle off hand, look through the scope for a final check
14. Ensure you have all the bags and gear you need for the stage on you or next to the rifle

Firing Sequence Checklist
1. Use the talking count down timer
2. Get rifle 8-10” off the table/ground and head upright, NOT low as possible, 3 notches out
3. Use the larger heavy fill rear bag like the Gamechanger Schmedium
4. Don’t chamber a round until target acquired in the scope – don’t “sky bolt”
5. Establish perfect parallax
6. Build a stable position with the rifle balanced on prop stages, check NPA if time permits
7. Avoid pressure on the front of the magazine
8. Use light cheek pressure with relaxed shoulder muscles to minimize heartbeat bobble
9. Focus on same pad of index finger placement
10. Check scope level
11. Get full and bright scope picture w/ target in the center, focus on the RETICLE
12. Initiate trigger press at the natural respiratory pause, DO NOT hold your breath
13. Slow and steady straight back trigger press
14. Spot misses or location of impact on target then adjust before next shot
***elevation, wind, trigger press, stable position, dirt splash location, lead dust dispersion, trace***
15. Cycle the bolt hard enough to eject spent casing but soft enough to keep sight picture

Stage Completion Checklist
1. Safety on, magazine out, bolt back, ensure chamber is clear
2. Insert empty chamber indicator and get confirmation from RO/SO that the rifle is safe
3. Zero out the elevation and windage turrets
4. Power down to lower magnification
5. Set parallax to near
6. Gather and move your magazines, bags, rifle
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Edited to add:

Pre-Stage Checklist
1. Arrive at least 30 minutes early and acclimate the rifle to the temperature for at least 30 minutes before confirming zero
2. Help set up, "volunteer" to help get distances if you have a range finder

Possible future testing: I've not had a cold bore shift as long as I don't have a carbon ring.
Pursuit of Accuracy (Josh) from YouTube had some interesting methods to prevent cold bore shifts but I've not tested this out.
If I test this in the future and it works, I'll add it to the Stage Completion checklist.

YMMV, happy shooting
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