Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting

Hi all,

Been lurking a while, but this is my first post.

I'm getting a .375CT built at the moment, and I'm in the process of buying components for it... Just wondering if anyone has had experience with the 370gn tipped hunting bullet that RMB offer, and what they think of it?

Cheers, Cameron
Re: Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting

Guys I've been looking for information on these bullets too. However it seems to be like chasing a ghost. Everynow and then you find a reference to them. But real reliable information on this seems nonexistent.

The few times I've found intel on them it has been limited but positive. I wish I could find a reliable source of information though.
Re: Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting

We stock and sell the RM bullets for 200$ per 100. Havent shot any yet but I did help with the development a little and saw what they did to balistics clay... Did a good ammount of damage. I have had a few people say they shot elk at a good distance let me see if i can get them to chime in.
Re: Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting

If I get the time, I intend to go to Wyoming after Christmas to fill a cow tag.

I have some of the Rocky Mountain with 136 gr. of Retumbo I intend to give a try. If i manage to make the hunt and kill an elk I will send back some pics.

George @ Rocky Mountain has managed some very good 1,000 yard groups with them and a Lawton barrel. I am still tinkering with loads but I am good to go out to 600 yds with confidence so I will keep you posted and try to do a little forensic investigation on what I shoot.
Re: Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting


For everyone wondering how the performance of the Rocky Mountain Bullet are working this is a photo of the .408 bullet retrieved from ballistics media. Bullet retained 80% of it weight and expanded to just over one inch. The .375 bullets performed about about the same. I did shoot a 6 pt bull elk at 920 yards this year with the .375 ct. Bullet passed through both shoulders and left an apple size hole on the exit. I'm not sure we will ever retrieve any bullets from game.
Re: Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting

Quote;I'm not sure we will ever retrieve any bullets from game.

You'd have to shoot an elephant in the ass I guess.Might find in the trunk somewhere,LOL

920 yards is a good long shot I'd say!Congrats.

Re: Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting


What is the recommended twist rate on for the 375 bullets? I'm having Kirby Allen build a 375 Allen for me, and would like to have another option other than the 350SMK. I haven't heard much from Paul at Wildcat bullets, but they want to work on the 375 project when they get caught up.

Re: Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bulletsmith</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

For everyone wondering how the performance of the Rocky Mountain Bullet are working this is a photo of the .408 bullet retrieved from ballistics media. Bullet retained 80% of it weight and expanded to just over one inch. The .375 bullets performed about about the same. I did shoot a 6 pt bull elk at 920 yards this year with the .375 ct. Bullet passed through both shoulders and left an apple size hole on the exit. I'm not sure we will ever retrieve any bullets from game.


Way cool! Does anyone know if these are bonded or cup and core or what?
Re: Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Extremist458</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey guys, sorry to be redundent, again, but you should really check out the HV's at GS. I shoot the 265 and 300, and have kills out past 600 with the 265; not and issue. So ya, give them a go if you really want performance at that range!

-Anthony </div></div>

Care to share your loads?
Re: Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting

.375 RUM, 34" Pac-Nor (not my favorite), Carbon fiber wrapped and fitted by Mike of Advanced Barrel Systems (ABS Barrels). 265 GS Custom Bullet atop X amount of H4350. Don't have the specific amount as I am not with my load manual right now (moving), but I got my starting load from the Hodgdon website, 90 grains, and am over 95 now. Rem brass, Win Mag primers, COAL I measured as max length would run through my magazine...a benifit of GS bullets! Running I think 3.71", will have to check.

Re: Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Extremist458</div><div class="ubbcode-body">.375 RUM, 34" Pac-Nor (not my favorite), Carbon fiber wrapped and fitted by Mike of Advanced Barrel Systems (ABS Barrels). 265 GS Custom Bullet atop X amount of H4350. Don't have the specific amount as I am not with my load manual right now (moving), but I got my starting load from the Hodgdon website, 90 grains, and am over 95 now. Rem brass, Win Mag primers, COAL I measured as max length would run through my magazine...a benifit of GS bullets! Running I think 3.71", will have to check.

-Anthony </div></div>

I wonder how fast one can push the 300 GS from a 375 Snipe tac?

Any one want to guess?
Re: Rocky Mountain Bullets for 1000yd+ hunting

Let me know what speeds you are getting now and I can give you a good idea. Shooting 3200 with the 265's and around 3000 with the 300's, and that's only a RUM. Thing is, GS can do a custom bullet for ya if you want. Want a high B.C. HV for long range hunting? Just ask. I'm sure I would be interested. Will look into it.

P.S. The reason for the lower B.C. of the 300's is the necessity of a heavily built nose and robust construction for stout animals like the Cape Buff at very close range with very high speeds (like the 378Weatherby). Funny thing is it actually gets better as distance increases/speed decreases, reaching around .5 before it goes transonic. Much can be done there.
Have you guys tried any powders other than Retumbo in the .375 CheyTac with the 375 gr RM bullets? I know Retumbo works well with the 350's but I am wondering if moving to the heavier bullet may warrant using H50BMG or something of that nature.