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RPR .22


Full Member
Jul 28, 2011
St. Louis, MO
Hi folks. I saw a .22 RPR at the local gun store today for $390 and might just take a chance. Anyone use one yet? If so what are you impressions? Also recommendation for rings and scope would be appreciated.

The propaganda sheet on it look very nice.
Second, looking through the link of posts.

I like mine. It is not as accurate as my Vudoo, but then, its not a Vudoo. Accuracy wise, mine seems to really like the CCI AR Tactical. Which is fine with me. I've tried the more expensive stuff through it, but the AR Tactical does very well and is a lot cheaper.
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I like mine.
Did a little work to such as the HVAC tape for bedding one of the guys recommended and it made a difference.
I just think some of the negative posts may have been folks expecting a Vudoo competitor. It’s a $400 rifle. Nuff said.
FWIW, mine likes Eley Target.
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I had to send mine back right off the bat, arrived broken from the factory. Very disappointing, however, the folks at Ruger were super helpful, and emailed me a label, and they made it right and had it back to me jiffy quick. I had it back in my hands in about 6 days. I’ve only had one range session with it, but it has done pretty good so far. I have about 230 rounds through it, so I know it’s not broken in good. Out to about 75 yards it will keep most shots on a 7/8” paster, but that final 25 yards when you jump to 100 will see it open up a little. I have done zero mods to it, so I will look into the bedding tricks and stuff as time goes on. The good news for me, is it shoots CCI SV exactly the same as SK standard plus, so I can save a little on ammo for the time being. I will test some other premium ammo, and I don’t mind paying IF it is worth it. Running a 6-24 Athlon Helios on it, and we have a 22NRL match tomorrow, so we will see how she does.
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I have 02. First one shot 1/2 at 50 yards 10 shot groups all day with 3 different types of ammo. Not ground breaking, but more than happy for $400. Second one did not have an extractor. Emailed Ruger and received it in 3 days. Shoots just like the other one. I use them for intro to rifle shooting classes. Non threatening sound and recoil helps the learning curve. I personally use them for positional shooting practices and method evaluation. So far neither will hold a candle next to my Clark’s Custom for accuracy. But they were a fraction of the cost too. Favorite aspect of the RPR is the full length bolt throw and cheap available mags.
I have RPR 17 HMR, and I can say it loads of fun, very accurate at 100 yards, and gets looks from fellow shooters.

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A warning to potential RPR rifle purchases. DON"T DO IT! Ruger's quality control on these guns is awful and they seem to be relying on the purchasers to due the quality control. See this link to learn what other shooters are experiencing: http://www.snipershide.com/shooting/threads/ruger-precision-rimfire.6827519/

I have one as do two of my shooting buddies and other Club members have these rifles and none of them shoot well. Remember that shooting well is in the eyes of the beholder - we are wanting 1/2" 5 shot groups at 50 yards and are not getting this. Fortunately the three of us have not experienced the failure to extract problems or the bolts having been machined badly causing very stiff bolt movement. The 15 shot magazines provided by Ruger jam repeatedly. The only solution we have found was to use the 10/22 ten shot magazines. On the plus side the triggers have been one of th best in comparatively priced factory 22 rifles and the overall appearance is attractive.

None of the three shoot well. I even sent mine back t Ruger and had the factory barrel replaced before purchasing the after market barrel but this did not help. Two of us have even purchased Green Mountain barrels in the hope of better accuracy, but neither is shooting well. We both did the taped action bedding with some accuracy improvement. So far I have spent $390 on the rifle, probably $100 on ammo seeking to find an ammo that shot well, $180 for the Green Mountain barrel for a total of $670 and still have a rifle that shoots worse that a CZ 452, 455 or 457. https://www.gunbroker.com/All/search?Keywords=cz-usa 452 https://www.gunbroker.com/All/search?Keywords=cz-usa 452 https://www.gunbroker.com/All/search?Keywords=cz-usa 457&Sort=13&PageSize=96

Save yourself the grief that we and others have gone through and spend you money more wisely on another gun.
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I have not quite 500rds through mine and have shot 1 match with it out to 200yds all using CCI standard Non-sorted. It shoots great with nothing but cleaning out of the box. Shot this at 100yds in a 10-15 mph fishtailing wind in between storms. First shot was high right to get a wind call, next 9 were near center. Prone with bipod and bag.
The match was a mini-prs match prone and positional. Smallest target was 1/4”. There were a handfull of other Ruger shooters and all of them did well too.
I’m debating on selling mine and getting something else. I was shooting at distance in the wind yesterday and getting pretty good results. But the fact that I had to constantly check the mag and make sure it was feeding straight drives me nuts. This is with a Ruger brand 10 round mag. Seems ridiculous to have a mag that fits this poorly. I put the stop back in my bolt because mine wouldn’t eject consistently in the long throw configuration. Seems to eject fine since I switched it back though.
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I am not expert in PPR 22, but what I read before I bought my 17, that Ruger 10/22 rifle magazines work fine in your rifle, and you can buy them with high capacity loads.
If you have a favorite store you buy from or google magazines I find website even with shipping is cheaper the over counter stores.
I bought 10 magazine for my rifle at $17.99 each while others asking for 24.00 each.
When I go to the range, I don't have time loading, I do that watching TV, don't want to waste my time, I go to shoot.
So find a website and call and ask questions, about other Ruger magazine that will work better then what you got.
The 15 round mags are a pain on bags or barricades. They get in the way and too much pressure on the mag can cause feeding issues. The 10 round mags are supposed to work better, but they are more of a pain to get into and out of the gun. I was pretty well set on getting a rprr until I tried one out at a store. The bolt lift was way heavy. That sent me spiraling down the path to a Kidd supergrade. No regrets. It’s really not a fair comparison, but the Kidd is head and shoulders above the rprr. This is from a ruger fanboy and rpr shooter. I’ve also had a stock 10/22 for about 30 years...
This is my sons RPRR at 100 yds. Have another group just a bit bigger. This is with CCISV. Seems to shoot the best for the cost effective ammo. Ore than happy despite the non ejection issue I sent it back for originally. 10 shots. The only mod was the aluminum bedding
I have two of the rpr both of them shoot great for the price point they're awesome I think most of these guys that had bad experiences with him might be doing something wrong but maybe not I've been shooting Ruger since 60s never had a problem with any Ruger firearm pistols rifles I've owned probably 35 to 40 ruger's in my life still own most of them never had one break or had to send one back so I don't know what's up with some of these people mine are great
I have 22s that shoot better than that. It you call the good I feel for ya
Yeah, we get it.
You hate the RPRR. Got it. You never hesitate to throw some kind of worthless comment out in any RPRR thread.
No need to be an asshole and disparage someone else’s efforts. We can’t all be as awesome as you must be.
Why don’t you leave it be if you have nothing of value to add?
On my RPR, I used Butler Creek's 10 and 25 round magazines; their "Hot Lips" model with never a feeding or extraction issue as I felt the Ruger mags had a "clunky' feel to them. The "Hot Lips" mags ran smoot, and delivered the round straight into the chamber and I was very happy with them.
But I've since put a Shaw barrel on the gun, and had to go back to the Ruger mags due to feeding issues with the new barrel using the Butler Mags, (the Ruger mags cleared up that issue).

It may be a visual illusion, as I have not measure it, but the chamber mouth of the original Ruger barrel sure seems to look oval in shape to me. I had shot around 10,000 rounds through the barrel, so maybe it's wear, although I doubt that.

I'm very happy with the shaw barrel. I'm getting many more 50 yard, 1/4 inch groups than befor, but still with the occasional flyer, but they don't seam to be as far from the main group as with the factory barrel.