Rt1500 on a xl650


Full Member
May 28, 2008
Commifornia no longer
So, I want to get a rt1500 and use it on one of my 650s to trim 556 and 308win brass. Was thinking universal decap station 1, s2 re size, s3 or 4 trim. How hard and much work is it going to be to change calibers on the trimmer? I can get two tool heads, set the decap and resize and just move the trimmer between each. Any suggestions are appreciated.
The trimmer die is the what is caliber specific. The trimmer threads on the top of the trim die.

Best advice I can give is to have a trim toolhead for each caliber. Dont worry about the resize die on that toolhead. The trim die is slightly undersize so the case is held tight and wont spin when the cutter hits it.
If I recall the die rings to lock the trimmer are an odd size.

Buy extra die rings and have them drilled/tapped for a brass set screw.

Once you have your trim length set snug the set screw so the ring does not move on you as you set or remove the cutter.

You will want a neck mandrel to reopen the very tight necks the trim dies create.
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If I recall the die rings to lock the trimmer are an odd size.

Buy extra die rings and have them drilled/tapped for a brass set screw.

Once you have your trim length set snug the set screw so the ring does not move on you as you set or remove the cutter.

You will want a neck mandrel to reopen the very tight necks the trim dies create.
So I will need to get mandrel in s1 on the loading tool head for the necks?