I have a cert for a Ruger PC Carbine Model #19122 9mm for sale. https://ruger.com/products/pcCarbine/specSheets/19122.html?buy=1
No expiration date, redeem directly with Ruger.
I will email a photos or scanned copy and priority mail the original to you. I accept most payment methods except usps money orders. Can meet local in St Louis Mo or potentially between STL and Columbia Mo.
street price appears to be $720-$750, I’d like $650/obo for the cert.
No expiration date, redeem directly with Ruger.
I will email a photos or scanned copy and priority mail the original to you. I accept most payment methods except usps money orders. Can meet local in St Louis Mo or potentially between STL and Columbia Mo.
street price appears to be $720-$750, I’d like $650/obo for the cert.