Suppressors Running a Barret M82A1 with a suppressor.


Full Member
Oct 20, 2010
I have been told by three known sources not to shoot my M82A1 with a suppressor. And I have been told it should be no problem. I have a Elite Iron .50bmg suppressor. I would like to here from someone that actually runs a system similar to this. Is there any MODS to the gun that I need to do? I do not want to run this and break something as Barret says I will. I know there is more back pressure with a suppressor, but I have seen SO many AD's that picture this setup. This setup is new to me I have not been firing .50bmg long so I am not sure the IN's and OUT's of this rifle yet.
Re: Running a Barret M82A1 with a suppressor.

That's just it they have no data to give to me to support there position. And in fact when I ask they just gave me a "If you do you will void your warranty" Statement. Nothing else was said. But as I said you see in every tactical mag and ad on the internet with a M82A1 with a suppressor. I was looking for someone that actually has GOOD data one way or the other. NOT JUST you better do what the big man said. But as I see Barret also puts a Bushnell 3200 on the 99. I have had that replaced twice and Bushnell will tell you that scope was not made to go on that rifle.
Re: Running a Barret M82A1 with a suppressor.

It believe it has to do with the recoiling barrel assembly and how it can break or the donut thing can break if the extra added weight of a suppressor is put on. But I do think that Ops Inc has done it before with good luck. The problem is getting one of those things...
Re: Running a Barret M82A1 with a suppressor.

Ops Inc does in fact offer a suppressor specifically for use on the M82A1 rifles called the 3rd Model 50 caliber MBS. I have seen one used, but I do not know what, if anything, they recommend you do to the rifles to acommodate their suppressors. You might check with someone at Ops to see what their take on the issue is. It may have something to do with the way in which their can mounts up since it extends the can back over the barrel several inches.

As for Barrett, at one time, they recommended that if you absolutely had to attach a 50BMG rated suppressor to the M82A1/M107, you should remove the accelerator and accelerator rod from the bolt carrier because they would not be necessary to cause the bolt carrier to retract with the increase recoil and speed at which the barrel moves backward during cycling.

Again, I'm not recommending that you do this or suggesting that it is safe or otherwise won't F#$% up your rifle if you do it. For more info, you might try looking in on the Barret forums as there are some lengthy discussions of suppressors with the M82A1 rifles.
Re: Running a Barret M82A1 with a suppressor.


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Re: Running a Barret M82A1 with a suppressor.

Thank you for some good info to start with. Unfortunate that I have already purchased the Elite Iron suppressor for it. I can always buy a Tac 50 and put it on that weapon. But, I will look into the recoil operation a bit more to see if there are things that I can do <span style="font-weight: bold">safely</span> to the weapon to make it function.

Re: Running a Barret M82A1 with a suppressor.

I think it has to do with tards shooting Machine Gun ammo and not match ammo, if the bullet is not stablized a baffle strike or worse will make for a really bad day, my brother has a McM 50 and with his can on it instead of the brake I can't stand to shoot the dam thing.