March 9th, 10th, and 11th, the York Chapter Izaak Walton League of America is proud to be hosting Rex Tibor, creator of the highly regarded Sniper 101 instructional series, for an RX 18 Series Long Range Precision Rifle Seminar. I have taken classes with Rex previously and can speak first hand to his integrity as a person and proficiency as a long range rifle shooter and instructor.
You can sign up for the class here
From Rex's website: "The RX Series is a two-part training course separated into a preliminary classroom style Seminar portion and a follow up Live-Fire range portion. World-class courses of rifle instruction necessarily start with a comprehensive classroom portion to provide the trainee with the knowledge base needed to most effectively implement the variety of tasks they are preparing to accomplish in the field.
The RX Seminar portion is a 2- day course of classroom instruction detailing the implementation of the various components of this seemingly complex science to our streamlined proprietary firing system to make a truly viable, field expedient long range precision shooter."
The Seminar portion is a prerequisite for the Live Fire portion, as live fire participants will need to be up to speed with the concepts introduced in the seminar to keep pace with the live fire class.
Costs of the seminar course for both days, in addition to a Friday evening meet and greet is $595. The live fire portion is tentatively scheduled to be held in Central PA over the summer, with more details to come.
This is tier 1 instruction and is a great opportunity for all of us in the area to meet up with other like minded shooters and learn from the best. I encourage everyone to check out Rex's Sniper 101 series and reviews, as well as his podcast too.
You can sign up for the class here
From Rex's website: "The RX Series is a two-part training course separated into a preliminary classroom style Seminar portion and a follow up Live-Fire range portion. World-class courses of rifle instruction necessarily start with a comprehensive classroom portion to provide the trainee with the knowledge base needed to most effectively implement the variety of tasks they are preparing to accomplish in the field.
The RX Seminar portion is a 2- day course of classroom instruction detailing the implementation of the various components of this seemingly complex science to our streamlined proprietary firing system to make a truly viable, field expedient long range precision shooter."
The Seminar portion is a prerequisite for the Live Fire portion, as live fire participants will need to be up to speed with the concepts introduced in the seminar to keep pace with the live fire class.
Costs of the seminar course for both days, in addition to a Friday evening meet and greet is $595. The live fire portion is tentatively scheduled to be held in Central PA over the summer, with more details to come.
This is tier 1 instruction and is a great opportunity for all of us in the area to meet up with other like minded shooters and learn from the best. I encourage everyone to check out Rex's Sniper 101 series and reviews, as well as his podcast too.