Optics S&B 3-20 Ultra Short MT2 MSR2 3100 shipped


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Oct 17, 2019
Schmidt and Bender 3-20 Ultra Short with 1/2 cm-cw MT II MTC LT Turrets and MSR2 reticle. Scope with caps only - 3100 shipped insured or 3K DFW area face to face. If you want the mount - NF ultralite 1.5" add 250.

Like new - love the scope, but going to an LVPO on this build as she's only 5.5lbs pre-optic.


Trades: March 4.5-28 or 5-42 mil, Razor G3, Zeiss 6-36 mil to upgrade a bolt gun - I already have the LVPO for this one - thanks.
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Thanks for the bumps fellas and the heads-up on the turrets - I edited with exact specs from the box - something tells me I'm going to regret letting this one fly - about 2 guns from now... added a couple potential trades as well.

Moderator wrote: "Site has a 48 hour bump rule. Posting thanks is bumping. Do not do it again or post will be deleted and you will be banned."

Sorry, thought it was 24hrs - hadn't sold anything in a while and working from memory. Should make a code change such that it can't be bumped before the minimum wait time.
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