If I ran a landscaping business, and you called to have mulch put in...and I sent a complete asshole to go talk to you and behave like a complete asshole to you...then "I" may not be a complete asshole.
But I wouldn't be without blame, especially if I already had 2200 "that guy is an asshole" complaints from customers.
THIS thread is pretty much the official FUCK Vectronix thread here on the hide.
People who never saw their original terrapin again after it grenaded, agents from the US government showing up and demanding the information required to arrest every single owner of a Vectronix device because civilians supposedly can't own one according to some idiot with a badge and too much time on their hands, Vectronix saying they wanted $1800 to repair a fault in a unit that cost $1900 originally to purchase.
If Vectronix wants back in they should do the following:
- 10 year warranty. Which I don't think they will do - I haven't seen a device that I think is 10 years reliable. When it works, it works, and when it doesn't the government can have it repaired at the snap of a finger, hence the reason governments love them.
- Cap the repair cost at $500...in writing. No matter what is fucking wrong. No single fault in the unit should result in much more cost than that to the manufacturer, and frankly I'm pretty sure Vectronix uses repairs as a MASSIVE CASH COW. You can get a goddamn SIMRAD laser that made its debut in the original Star Wars movie that still works fine. Same thing with most of the Litton MK's I have seen - they work fine.
- USA repair depot.
- Certificate of Civilian Purchase or some shit.