Sage Flats Shooter Fall Team Match
2 - Day Team Match
Location: Jordan, Montana - 90 miles north of Miles City
Dates: September 29-30 2012
Entry Fee: $ 60 per team
Awards: Pay the top 3 teams - Prize Table dependent upon sponsorship
The Sage Flats Steel Matches are set in the natural environment. The match utilizes natural terrain and objects to challenge shooters with a wide range of shooting positions, movement and target arrays.
Stages are designed to force teamwork in communication, target identification, movement and engagements.
There will be 1 stage shot on paper, all other targets will be reactive steel with ranges from 100 to 1100 yards and will vary in size from 1 to 4 MOA. All stages will be fired under time constraints, many will require multiple firing points.
Total Value (scoring) of each target will be the same throughout the match, no target is worth more points than any other target. The paper target will be shot by everyone first...this will give everyone the opportunity to confirm your zero...
The match is staged over a mile. Shooters will need to walk most of the course, so please prepare accordingly. The weather APPEARS to be nice, but plenty of water is strongly encouraged as are coats and boots!
Be prepared to carry everything you need for the day. You might not make it back to your vehicle once the match starts.
At each firing location there will be a staging area. All shooter will remain in the staging area until they are called forward to shoot. While in the staging area it will be the shooters responsibility to located the targets and build their range cards for the stage. At the staging area, there will be a yellow flag in the ground, and there will be 2 orange flags forward of the yellow pin..These will delineate the boundary for the targets at the stage. The targets will all be painted blue and are NOT hidden. If the shooter stands on the yellow flag, all the targets will be visible between the orange limiters. You will have plenty of time to locate and prep for the stage! Stages 5 and 7 targets will be located and ranged during the stage time limit.
Teams may use any means of optic and range finder to build their range cards. The only exception will be on unknown distance stages, these stages will be blind prior to the shooters turn. On these stages there will be an unknown distance target that must be ranged w/o an electronic device prior to ranging any other targets. See stage description.
Each stage will have a time limit. The clock will start for each stage when the RO calls the team forward to shoot. When the first team member crosses the staging area line, the clock will begin. The team may request a time from the RO whenever they would like. See stage descriptions.
Teams will be responsible for informing the RO of the target they will engage. A brief description of the location and/or the range will make this easier.
A stage outline from the June match is posted <span style="color: #33FF33">HERE</span>
Pictures from the June match are <span style="color: #6633FF">HERE</span>
REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE ONLINE <span style="color: #FF0000">HERE</span>
2 - Day Team Match
Location: Jordan, Montana - 90 miles north of Miles City
Dates: September 29-30 2012
Entry Fee: $ 60 per team
Awards: Pay the top 3 teams - Prize Table dependent upon sponsorship
The Sage Flats Steel Matches are set in the natural environment. The match utilizes natural terrain and objects to challenge shooters with a wide range of shooting positions, movement and target arrays.
Stages are designed to force teamwork in communication, target identification, movement and engagements.
There will be 1 stage shot on paper, all other targets will be reactive steel with ranges from 100 to 1100 yards and will vary in size from 1 to 4 MOA. All stages will be fired under time constraints, many will require multiple firing points.
Total Value (scoring) of each target will be the same throughout the match, no target is worth more points than any other target. The paper target will be shot by everyone first...this will give everyone the opportunity to confirm your zero...
The match is staged over a mile. Shooters will need to walk most of the course, so please prepare accordingly. The weather APPEARS to be nice, but plenty of water is strongly encouraged as are coats and boots!
Be prepared to carry everything you need for the day. You might not make it back to your vehicle once the match starts.
At each firing location there will be a staging area. All shooter will remain in the staging area until they are called forward to shoot. While in the staging area it will be the shooters responsibility to located the targets and build their range cards for the stage. At the staging area, there will be a yellow flag in the ground, and there will be 2 orange flags forward of the yellow pin..These will delineate the boundary for the targets at the stage. The targets will all be painted blue and are NOT hidden. If the shooter stands on the yellow flag, all the targets will be visible between the orange limiters. You will have plenty of time to locate and prep for the stage! Stages 5 and 7 targets will be located and ranged during the stage time limit.
Teams may use any means of optic and range finder to build their range cards. The only exception will be on unknown distance stages, these stages will be blind prior to the shooters turn. On these stages there will be an unknown distance target that must be ranged w/o an electronic device prior to ranging any other targets. See stage description.
Each stage will have a time limit. The clock will start for each stage when the RO calls the team forward to shoot. When the first team member crosses the staging area line, the clock will begin. The team may request a time from the RO whenever they would like. See stage descriptions.
Teams will be responsible for informing the RO of the target they will engage. A brief description of the location and/or the range will make this easier.
A stage outline from the June match is posted <span style="color: #33FF33">HERE</span>
Pictures from the June match are <span style="color: #6633FF">HERE</span>
REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE ONLINE <span style="color: #FF0000">HERE</span>