Instead of range model I bought a synthetic Quad and put it in GRS Sporter stock with BA trigger.
I have had good and bad groups with it.
Currently I run CCI in it and get most of my shots within 1,5moa. Basically my fun is to go to range at and see how close to center I can pull my first group per distance in the current weather. Does not really matter if it is a bit big.
With Tenex I have always awesome groups, but it is too expensive for above plinking which I love or even comps. (I do not even know if next lot is as good)
I have had good luck with SK too but I use CCI for practice, as I do not mind if the vertical spread is huge.
Although I am looking for an SK lot that would be nice for competitions and semi serious stuff like courses and 200yds+.
My plan is to rebarrel it if I could have better luck with SK then but it is still undecided which barrel and twist.
I have few entries in the 6x5 thread if you want to look.