Sako TRG-22 feeding problems


Full Member
Jun 5, 2009
So I bought my TRG-22 in 2013.

I love it to death, but in the last year I have been having problems with regards to feeding.

What happens is that every 3rd or 4th round nosedives and creates a failure to feed.

This is a problem I have only been having the last year. The rifles has been flawless up til this point.

I conducted a test this weekend with 5 magazines, and 3 types of ammo.

Magazines were:

Original TRG-22 mag from 2013 (1)
Tikka CTR mag modified to fit the TRG well from 2015 (3)
MDT AI mag (1)


5 rounds of 147grs Surplus (GGG)
5 rounds of 155grs SMK (GGG)
5 rounds of 168grs FGMM

So all factory ammunition, with one being standard milspec surplus.

I loaded each magazine with 5 rounds and cycled through these 5 rounds before repeating the test with the next type of ammo.
Once I had tested a magazine with all 3 types of ammo I changed the magazine and started over.

This is what happened:

Original TRG-22 mag:
147grs surplus cycles fine
155grs SMK nosedives on 3rd round.
168grs FGMM nosedives on 3rd round.

Tikka CTR mag #1
147grs surp: Cycles fine
155 SMK: Nosedives on 3rd round
168grs FGMM: Cycles fine

Tikka CTR mag #2
147grs surp: Nosedives on 4t round
155 SMK: Nosedives on 4t round
168grs FGMM: Cycles fine

Tikka CTR mag #3
147grs surp: Nosedives on 4th round
155 SMK: Nosedives on 2nd round
168grs FGMM: Nosedives on 4th round

MDT AI mag:
147grs surp: cycles fine
155grs SMK: cycles fine
168grs FGMM: cycles fine

The error is always the same:

The base of the cartridge is where it is supposed to be (riding high and proud) and the tip of the bullet is down and to the right.
The tip of the bullet is still oriented out of the magazine. It is not hitting the internal front of the magazine, it is jammed into the rifle.
When I operate the bolt I jam the cartridge into the flat surface beneath the chamber, but it wont ride into chamber. No amount of force will get it moving.

If I smack the front of the magazine from underneath the round pops up to the correct position and I'm good to go.

When I remove the magazine from the rifle, the round also pops up to the correct position!

Who has any idea what could be causing this?

I have ‘t had this problem with Sako mags but it is a known problem with CTR mags. The springs are the same so I imagine it can apply to both. You need to bend the magazine spring with pliers to the correct shape and your problem will disappear. Most if not all the work needs to be done in the middle bend. The follower needs to end up being parrallel to the bottom of the spring that rests against the mag bottom.

Not my photo